Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2359 results.
NPDC Water Supplies Annual Report 2022-2023
discharge 11 Figure 3 Flow in the Mangatete Stream at Saunders Road during 2022-2023 14 Figure 4 Calculated flow for Ngatoro Stream at Bushline during 2022-2023 14 List of photos Photo 1 Waitara water supply weir and fish pass 16 Photo 2 Ngatoro Stream weir and fish pass 17 page 1 1 Introduction Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is for the period July 2022 to June 2023
NPDC Closed and Contingency Landfills Annual Report 2022-2023
Document: 3223197 (Pdf) February 2024 page page Executive summary The New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) maintains two closed landfills, one at Inglewood and one at Ōkato. Both of these sites are now used as transfer stations and are held in reserve to accept refuse, if required, as a contingency. The Inglewood landfill is an active cleanfill (inert materials) site, located on King Road at Inglewood, in the Waiongana catchment. The Ōkato landfill is an
Executive Audit and Risk Agenda October 2023 web v
Executive Audit and Risk Agenda October 2023 web v
Executive Audit and Risk Agenda October 2023
Executive Audit and Risk Agenda October 2023
Executive Audit and Risk Agenda October 2023
Executive Audit and Risk Agenda October 2023
Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Agenda August 2022
Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Northern Sites Annual Report 2022-2023
Greymouth Petroleum Ltd (the Company) operates the Turangi Production Station located on Turangi Road at Motunui, in the Parahaki catchment. The Turangi Production Station processes oil and gas from from the Company’s northern Taranaki operations, including the Ohanga, Onaero and Turangi group of wellsites. The Company also operate the Kowhai-A Production Station, located on Ngatimaru Road at Tikorangi. The Kowhai-A Production Station processes product from the Kowhai-A, B, C and D wellsites.
TRC s92 Further Information Request
page 12 December 2023 Document: 3220863 Consent: 11174-1.0 Tonkin & Taylor Limited Dear Zoe, Resource consent application: request for further information The Taranaki Regional Council (Council) requests that you provide further information for a resource consent you lodged on behalf of New Plymouth District Council to construct a new rock revetment to support a shared pathway for public access at Weld Road
Lower Waiwhakaiho Airshed Annual Report 2022-2023
complaints received by the Council during this monitoring year for any of the sites. No investigations or interventions were conducted by the Council in relation to any of the sites. page 7 2 Downer NZ Ltd Introduction Process description Downer EDI Works Ltd (Downer) operates an asphalt manufacturing plant which produces asphalt for use on roads and other drive-on surfaces. Discharges of contaminants to air are authorised by air discharge consent 4060-5. The plant is