Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2359 results.

Ordinary Meeting Agenda February 2023

at Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford b) notes the recommendations therein. McIntyre/Littlewood 2. Resource Consents Issued under Delegated Authority & Applications in Progress 2.1 Mrs J Allen spoke to the memorandum to advise the Committee of consents granted, consents under application and of consent processing actions since the last meeting. Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) received the schedule of resource

Summer Story Time with Waffle

regardless of income. So many of the places in the new book are also free or only a few dollars to enter." Whetu the kea and Waffle will be hitting the road later this year as they continue to explore places around Aotearoa, says Hayley. “I am expanding Whetu and Waffle to other regions beyond Taranaki this year. I am still deciding on which locations but I can tell you that Rotorua will be one of them.” Hayley began illustrating in 2017 when she was volunteering on farms around the

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Southern Sites Annual Report 2022-2023

sediment prior to discharge 13 page 1 1 Introduction Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is for the period July 2022 to June 2023 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by Greymouth Petroleum Ltd (GPL). GPL operates the Kaimiro Production Station situated on Upland Road at Inglewood, in the Waiongana catchment. The

Ordinary Council Agenda June 2023

Minutes - Operations and Regulatory 6 June 2023 15 page 1. Confirmation of Minutes Operations and Regulatory Committee 26 April 2023 Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) took as read and confirmed the minutes of the Operations and Regulatory Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council held on 26 April 2023 at Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford b) noted the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional

Regional Cleanfill Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2021-2022

administrative performance with their Veale Road resource consent as defined in Appendix II. It is noted that continued attention to maintenance of the silt controls at the site is required to ensure on- going compliance with this aspect of the consent and the abatement notice issued in September 2019. During the year, Taranaki Trucking demonstrated a good level of environmental performance and a need to improve their level of administrative performance with their resource consents as defined in

Fonterra Whareroa Annual Report 2022-2023

processing complex located on Whareroa Road at Hawera, between the Tangahoe catchment and another small unnamed catchment. Fonterra holds a total of 17 resource consents related to activities undertaken at the Whareroa site to allow for the abstraction of water from the Tawhiti Stream and Tangahoe River; the discharge of river silt and sand back to those two streams; the discharge of stormwater to unnamed tributaries of the Tawhiti Stream, the Tangahoe River and an unnamed coastal stream; the

Contact Energy Stratford Power Station Annual Report 2021-2022

of the Kahouri Stream (sites 1 & 2) in relation to Contact Energy, East Road during the survey of 31 March 2022 38 Table 24 Summary of performance for consent 4022-2 45 Table 25 Summary of performance for consent 4454-1 47 Table 26 Summary of performance for consent 4455-1 48 Table 27 Summary of performance for consent 4456-1 48 Table 28 Summary of performance for consent 4458-1 49 Table 29 Summary of performance for consent 4459-1.3 49 Table 30 Summary of