months of it expiring, however they failed to do so. So the
system could not legally discharge to the river.
8.3 The facility could still be used to carefully store effluent, but the effluent would need
to be pumped out and transported to a licenced facility for discharge.
8.4 There are serious safety concerns created by having this facility closed including
effluent overflowing from trucks on to roads and associated environmental impacts.
8.5 It was agreed that the Chief
hydrological connection between the diversion and
the wetland? – If no, describe how you have come to this
Will the diversion change or is it likely to change, the water
level range or hydrological function of the wetland? – If no,
describe how you have come to this conclusion.
Please note that when installing roads or other hard surfaces you may be diverting ground water from the
wetland, therefore a consent may be required.
To replace a culvert in an unnamed tributary of the Kahouri Stream, including the associated disturbance of the stream
bed...change of consent conditions to change the type of culvert
Land Use Consent Road reserve, Monmouth Road, Stratford Patea
21-10969-1.0 Mr Allan Michael Eichstaedt 23-Nov-21 New consent To construct and use a bridge over the Manganui River Land Use Consent 24 Windsor Road, Inglewood Waiongana
21-03312-4.0 The Tom Lance Trust 23-Nov-21 Replacement for expiring consent
Regional Council:
Ordinary Council - Confirmation of Operations and Regulatory Minutes - 21 November 2023
a) took as read and confirmed the minutes of the Operations and Regulatory
Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council held on 10 October 2023 at Taranaki
Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford
b) noted the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional
Council on Tuesday 31 October 2023.
2. Resource
within the empirical NOECs (no observable effect
concentrations) for aquatic life developed by the European Chemical Agency and the Cawthron Institute.
Monitoring of groundwater and leachate in relation to the old landfill area off Bewley Road showed that all
of the samples collected from the three monitoring bores complied with consent limits.
There were four unauthorised incidents recorded that were associated with the consents covered by this
report, which resulted in three abatement Connett Road West 40 Connett Road discharges to NPDC wetlands system 40 Connett Road West stormwater 41 NPDC industrial drain 42 NPDC wetlands discharges to Mangati Stream 44
7.3 Evaluation of performance 45
8 Nexans New Zealand Ltd 47
8.1 Site description 47
8.2 Results 48
8.2.1 Inspections 48
8.2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 48
8.3 Evaluation of performance 49
9 OMV New Zealand Ltd 51
9.1 Site description 51
Schedule 7 lists two SNAs on the Waiwhakaiho River within the reach potentially
affected by the HEPS (sites 258 and 260). Site 258 is located on the true right of the
river near the Royal Heights cul-de-sac, off Queens Road and approximately 7.5 km
downstream of the power station. This SNA is contiguous with a QE2 covenant
(Covenant No. 5-06-379) to the south, also along the river margin. The vegetation at
Site 258 is described in Schedule 7 as:
‘Indigenous forest on a steep
Ōpunake/Hāwera to New Plymouth SOUTHBOUND
New Plymouth - Hāwera
New Plymouth to Ōpunake/Hāwera
Hāwera - New Plymouth
5:50AM – 7.50AM 9:25AM – 10.50AM
New Plymouth - Hāwera
8AM – 9:20AM 11AM – 12.20PM
Hāwera - New Plymouth Hāwera - New Plymouth
Ōpunake Napier Street (opp. TSB)
Manaia South Road (Public Pool)
Hospital (Hunter
- landfill fires
- burning of tyres in the open
- bitumen burning for road
- burning of coated wire in the open
- burning of oil in the open
- high temperature hazardous waste
incinerators (note: this does not apply
if the incinerator is a crematorium or
located at 89 Paritutu Road New
- school/healthcare incinerators unless
resource consent obtained.
Five ambient air quality standards for carbon
- landfill fires
- burning of tyres in the open
- bitumen burning for road
- burning of coated wire in the open
- burning of oil in the open
- high temperature hazardous waste
incinerators (note: this does not apply
if the incinerator is a crematorium or
located at 89 Paritutu Road New
- school/healthcare incinerators unless
resource consent obtained.
Five ambient air quality standards for carbon