Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Site 72

Schools in the Environment (SITE) newsletter 72

Help shape the rules on Taranaki's freshwater

drop-in sessions 17 June: Ōkato - Hempton Hall, 72 Carthew Street, 10am-1pm Ōpunake – Sinclair Electrical and Refrigeration Events Centre, Tasman Street, 3pm-6.30pm 18 June: Hāwera - TSB Hub East lounge, Camberwell Road, 10am-1pm Kaponga - War Memorial Hall, 57 Victoria Street, 3pm-6.30pm 20 June: Urenui - Community Centre, 13 Takiroa Street, 11am-2.30pm Uruti - Community Hall, 1672 Mokau Road, 4pm-6.30pm 21 June: Pātea - Hunter Shaw Building, 29 Victoria Street, 10am-1pm Waitotora - Hotel & Store, 1

Apply for a consent

aware of what the Resource Management Act (RMA) requires of applicants. The relevant extracts can be downloaded here. Information required under Schedule 4 of the RMA [PDF, 72 KB] Part 2 of the RMA [PDF, 70 KB] Consent forms After reading the information on this page, follow the link here to find out which resource consent application form you require. What consent form do I need?

TRC Bulletin - March 2018

mātauranga Māori and Western scientific practice, and documented the experience of other regional councils introducing mātauranga Māori into freshwater monitoring. Good pass-mark for mostThirty-nine consent monitoring reports were presented to the Consents and Regulatory Committee, covering the performance of 111 consent holders in the 2016-2017 year. Of these, 72 achieved a high level of environmental performance and compliance and 27 were rated ‘good’, while 10 were rated ‘improvement required’ and two

TRC Talking Taranaki June 2024

72 Carthew St 10am-1pm Ōpunake Sinclair Events Centre 156 Tasman St 3pm-6.30pm 17 JUNE Urenui Community Centre 13 Takiroa St 11am-2.30pm Uruti Community Hall 1672 Mokau Rd 4pm-6.30pm 20 JUNE Waitara North Taranaki Sport & Recreation Centre 17 Princess St 10am-1pm Bell Block Fred Tucker Hall 130 Parklands Ave 3pm-6pm 24 JUNE Inglewood TET Stadium 1 Elliot St 10am-1pm Tarata Community Hall 1831 Tarata Rd 3pm-6.30pm 25

Pocket R19 Waitara Express May24

o n ly 8 a m -5 p m 0 8 0 0 B EE T R C [0 8 0 0 2 3 3 8 72 ] E m a il u s at : tr a n sp o rt @ tr c. g o vt .n z Yo u d o n ’t n e e d a B e e C a rd t o t a k e t h e b u s, b u t it is c h e a p e r w h e n y o u h a v e o n e . H o w t o u se t h e b u s B ee C a rd is

Fonterra Kapuni Annual Report 2022-2023

Table 24 Location of water quality sampling sites 71 Table 25 Summary of Kaupokonui Stream water quality data (ranges) from monthly monitoring for the year under review (N=6 samples) 72 Table 26 Summary of Kaupokonui Stream water quality data from the Council surveys during the period August 1994 to June 2022 74 Table 27 Description of the groundwater monitoring sites 75 Table 28 Summary of selected parameters from previous Council groundwater quality sampling performed during the

Consents & Regulatory agenda November 2021

Company Limited Expiry Date: 01 Dec 2045 Review Dates: Jun 2027, Jun 2033, Jun 2039 Activity Class: Controlled Location: 72 Durham Road Lower, Norfolk Application Purpose: Replace To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Rohe: Te Atiawa (Statutory Acknowledgement) Engagement or consultation: Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust Comment on application received  Generally consistent with Iwi Environmental Management Plan  Application lacks