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Image 1795 Opunake Power ltd 15 March 2022

the Taranaki Regional Council within 2 hours of being recorded. 13. The consent holder shall maintain and download the temperature data on a monthly basis and this data shall be made available to the Taranaki Regional Council within 72 hours of download. 14. Before a date, no later than 48 months after first exercising this consent, and every 3 years thereafter, the consent holder shall provide a report to the Chief Executive, Taranaki Regional Council that details the water

May 2021 hydrology report

Dec 2003 Kapoaiaia Cape Egmont 14 181.0 138 649.8 124 47 Jan 1930 Taungatara Te Kiri 14 162.5 99 541.5 98 35 Dec 2004 Kaupokonui Manaia 13 89.0 79 406.0 97 35 Sep 1997 Duffy's Farm Whareroa 13 104.0 104 396 99 37 Feb 1993 Bore 3 Patea 10 87.8 73 429.6 97 38 Feb 1994 Omaru Charlie's Clearing 13 124.5 72 537.5 84 31 Apr 2005 Omahine Moana Trig 11 149.5 85 501.0 78 29 Mar 2006 Rimunui Waitotara Valley 10 84.5 63 337.5 69 25 May 1993 Ngutuwera Waitotara 9 83.5 69

Report 2013-2015

carried out in the vicinity of the Kauri E11 well Parameter Unit GND2371 Pre-frac Post-frac Sample Date - 03 Dec 2013 14 Mar 2014 17 Feb 2015 Lab Number - TRC137979 TRC149561 TRC150971 Alkalinity g/m3 CaCO3 55 60 72 Barium mg/kg 0.0177 0.0176 0.0195 Benzene g/m3 <0.0010 <0.0010 <0.0010 Bromine g/m3 0.162 0.179 0.23 Calcium g/m3 23 23 30 Chloride g/m3 59 60 81 page 12 Parameter Unit GND2371 Pre-frac Post-frac Conductivity

April 2021 hydrology report

Kapoaiaia Cape Egmont 10 86.6 72 468.8 119 34 Jan 1930 Taungatara Te Kiri 20 91.5 64 379.0 98 25 Dec 2004 Kaupokonui Manaia 14 65.0 60 317.0 104 27 Sep 1997 Duffy's Farm Whareroa 16 44.0 42 292.0 98 27 Feb 1993 Bore 3 Patea 14 62.0 48 341.8 105 30 Feb 1994 Omaru Charlie's Clearing 16 76.5 48 413.0 88 24 Apr 2005 Omahine Moana Trig 13 69.5 45 343.5 74 20 Mar 2006 Rimunui Waitotara Valley 12 41.0 35 253.0 71 19 May 1993 Ngutuwera Waitotara 12 73.0 68 310.5 91 24 Apr 1998

Consents & Regulatory agenda March 2021

July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June 2020-2021 20 38 53 75 94 116 131 154 2019-2020 26 51 72 102 148 162 188 218 239 245 248 263 2018-2019 32 55 66 84 109 186 195 211 225 242 265 286 New Renewal Change Review Totals 2020-2021 to 28th December 2020 52 63 28 11 154 2019-2020 Total 81 138 44 0 263 2018-2019 Total 148 93 45 0 286 A g ri cu lt u ra l C en tr a/ L o ca l G o ve rn m en t E n er g y F o re st ry

Report 2014-2016

66 2.7.1 Flow and nutrient data and survey dates 67 2.7.2 Periphyton cover 67 2.7.3 Periphyton Index Score 69 2.7.4 Periphyton biomass 69 2.7.5 Summary of 2002-2016 (14 year data set) 70 2.7.6 Long term trend analysis 72 2.8 Kapoaiaia Stream 74 2.8.1 Flow data, nutrient data and survey dates 74 2.8.2 Periphyton cover 75 2.8.3 Periphyton Index Score 76 2.8.4 Periphyton biomass 77 2.8.5 Summary of 2002-2016 (14 year data set) 78 2.8.6 Long term trend analysis 80 2.9 Waiongana

Report 2012-2014

dates 64 2.7.2 Periphyton cover 65 2.7.3 Periphyton Index Score 66 2.7.4 Periphyton biomass 67 2.7.5 Summary of 2002-2014 (12 year data set) 68 2.7.6 Long term trend analysis 69 2.8 Kapoaiaia Stream 71 2.8.1 Flow data and survey dates 72 2.8.2 Periphyton cover 72 2.8.3 Periphyton Index Score 74 2.8.4 Periphyton biomass 75 2.8.5 Summary of 2002-2014 (12 year data set) 76 2.8.6 Long term trend analysis 77 2.9 Waiongana River 81 2.9.1 Flow data and survey dates 82 2.9.2 Periphyton