Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Annual report 2015-2016

NPDC Colson Rd landfill consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council

Greymouth deep well injection 2020-2021

Temperature Deg°C 15.4 28.1 Salinity TDS g/m3 18.7 23 page 12 Parameter Unit Minimum Maximum Date - 01-Jul-20 to 30-Jun-21 Chloride mg/L 9,400 13,300 Total petroleum hydrocarbons g/m3 72 610 Table 6 Results of the Company’s monthly injectate sampling Kaimiro-J wellsite (2020-2021) Parameter Unit Minimum Maximum Date - 01-Jul-20 to 30-Jun-21 pH pH units 6.4 9.3 Suspended solids g/m3 16 260 Temperature Deg°C 12.1 27 Salinity TDS g/m3 38 40 Chloride mg/L

Waverley Sawmills consent monitoring 2018-2019

Kohi Stream and these results are necessary to compare with effect, if any, observed in the receiving water. These comparisons are presented in Section Table 3 Water quality analysis of samples taken from the discharge drain below Waverley Sawmills Ltd’s wood waste discharge site at Monk Road Parameter Unit IND001055 26 September 2018a 16 April 2019 Dissolved arsenic g/m3 0.45 0.85 BODCF g/m3 72 1.4 Conductivity @ 20°C mS/m 51.0 74.6 Dissolved chromium g/m3

Annual report 2016-2017

monitored in 2016- 2017 (*) Parameter Unit Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6* Site 7* Conductivity @ 20°C mS/m 54.5 108.0 4,130 4,540 4,620 25.2 111.0 E. coli cfu/100 ml 380 390 72 31 <2 280 390 Enterococci cfu/100 ml 160 1,300 38 16 <2 360 160 Faecal coliforms cfu/100 ml 380 400 72 31 <2 280 410 Pump station Baches Effluent ponds Tributary/ discharge Site 7* Site 6* Site 1 Infiltration trenches Agricultural N Site 2 Site 5

Lower Waiwhakaiho Catchment Annual Report 2021-2022

63 Site description 63 Results 64 11.2.1 Inspections 64 11.2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 64 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 65 Evaluation of performance 66 page iv 12 Taranaki Sawmills Ltd 67 Site description 67 Results 68 12.2.1 Inspections 68 12.2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 68 12.2.3 Results of surface water monitoring 71 12.2.4 Sediment sampling 71 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 72

NP wastewater treatment plant monitoring 2018-2019

environmental effects of NPDC’s activities. In relation to the operation of the NPWWTP, NPDC holds six resource consents, which include a total of 72 conditions setting out the requirements that NPDC must satisfy. NPDC holds one consent to discharge treated wastewater into the Tasman Sea, one consent to discharge sludge leachate to groundwater, two consents relating to structures, one consent to discharge emissions into the air at the site and one consent to discharge dewatered sludge to land on a