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Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2022-2023

Small reference site box, outlined in red, is enlarged to show the Waikekeho Stream and Uruti River 69 Figure 8 Locations of groundwater monitoring wells RNZ Uruti 72 Figure 9 Irrigation areas and stream culverts RNZ Uruti 73 Figure 10 Total ionic sodium concentrations in groundwater 2018-2023 90 Figure 11 Total ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations in groundwater 2011–2023 91 Figure 12 Total nitrate-nitrite concentrations in groundwater 2011–2023 92 Figure 13 Total

Summer 2009-2010

70 Compliance with guidelines 71 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 72 Cyanobacteria 72 3.2.16Lake Rotokare 73 Cyanobacteria 74 4. General data summary 76 4.1 Comparison with thirteen previous summers’ surveys 79 4.2 General 80 5. Recommendations 82 Bibliography and References 83 Appendix I MAC assessments for all sites 86 Appendix II High tide times 96 Appendix III Sampling conditions and public usage recorded at each site by

2022 rainfall maps

page Provisional data onlyRegional Council Taranaki Total rainfall (mm)to date xxx yy% KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy % NEW PLYMOUTH H WERAĀ ELTHAM Kaka Rd P teaā K tareō Motunui Brooklands Inglewood Pohokura SaddleNorth Egmont Stratford Huinga Cape Egmont Dawson Falls Upper Glenn Rd Whareroa Rimunui Jan-Dec 2220 Rainfall 11 %22,409 1 %242,747 1 %271,999 1 %221,931 1 %222,846 1 72 %2,504 1

Summer 2011-2012

with previous summers’ surveys 72 3.2.16 Lake Ratapiko 73 Compliance with guidelines 74 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 75 Cyanobacteria 75 3.2.17 Lake Rotokare 76 Cyanobacteria 77 4. General data summary 79 4.1 Comparison with fifteen previous summers’ surveys 82 4.2 General 85 5. Recommendations 87 Bibliography and References 88 Appendix I MAC assessments for all sites 91 Appendix II High tide times 103

Consents & Regulatory agenda August 2021

2021/2022 17 2020-2021 20 38 53 75 94 116 131 154 178 209 247 269 2019-2020 26 51 72 102 148 162 188 218 239 245 248 263 New Renewal Change Review Totals 2021-2022 Total (to end of July) 10 3 4 0 17 2021-2021 Total 71 148 39 11 269 2019-2020 Total 81 138 44 0 263 A g ri cu lt u ra l C en tr a/ L o ca l G o ve rn m en t E n er g y F o re st ry O th er A g ri cu lt u ra l C en tr a/ L o ca l G o

Summer 2012-2013

Comparison with guidelines 62 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 64 Urenui River at the estuary 64 3.2.14 Comparison with guidelines 66 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 67 Manganui River at Everett Park (downstream of Kurapete Stream) 68 3.2.15 Comparison with guidelines 71 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 72 Lake Ratapiko 73 3.2.16 Comparison with guidelines 74 Comparison with previous

Summer 2013-2014

surveys 59 Cyanobacteria 60 Timaru Stream at Weld Road (near mouth) 61 4.2.11 Comparison with guidelines 63 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 63 Benthic cyanobacteria 64 Waimoku Stream at Oakura beach 65 4.2.12 Compliance with guidelines 67 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 68 Oakura River below SH45 69 4.2.13 Comparison with guidelines 71 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 72

Freshwater recreational bathing summer 2019-2020

trend analysis 68 page iii 4.11.4 Cyanobacteria 68 4.12 Waimoku Stream at Oakura Beach 68 4.12.1 Comparison with guidelines 70 4.12.2 Comparison with previous summer surveys 71 4.12.3 Long-term trend analysis 72 4.13 Oakura River below SH45 72 4.13.2 Comparison with previous summer surveys 74 4.13.3 Long-term trend analysis 75 4.13.4 Cyanobacteria 76 4.14 Waitara River at the town wharf, Waitara 77 4.14.1 Comparison with guidelines 79