Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Todd deep well injection monitoring 2019-2020

1,140 3,510 3,010 31 Suspended solids g/m3 7 72 39 33 Temperature ̊C 16.9 21.5 Not provided 18.8 Salinity (as total dissolved solids ) g/m3 20,930 34,500 18.5 18.4 Chlorides g/m3 6,569 9,178 12,100 9,759 Total petroleum hydrocarbons g/m3 0.5 1,200 70 188 2.3 Groundwater sampling Groundwater samples were obtained from one site located in the vicinity of the Tuhua-B (GND3018), Tuhua- D (GND3023), McKee-A (GND2455), McKee-B (GND2748) and Pouri-A (GND3005) wellsites and five sites (GND0093, …

Central Landfill baseline monitoring 2019-2020

<0.0005 Total copper g/m3 - - - 0.00065 0.00161 0.00103 Dissolved oxygen g/m3 - - - 7.35 0.62 8.32 Dissolved reactive phosphorus g/m3 - - - 0.019 0.014 0.013 Faecal coliforms per/100ml - - - 2,100 1,400 4,000 Dissolved iron g/m3 - - - 0.05 0.05 0.04 Total iron g/m3 - - - 0.92 0.68 0.60 Hardness g/m3-CaCO3 - - - 75 72 71 Unionised ammonia g/m3-N - - - 0.00034 0.00007 0.00018 Ammoniacal nitrogen g/m3-N - - - 0.065 0.018 0.031 Dissolved Manganese g/m3 0.105 …

Waitaha catchment consent monitoring 2017-2018

exercise of consents 66 10.3.3 Evaluation of performance 66 10.3.4 Recommendations from the 2016-2017 Annual Report 69 10.3.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2018-2019 69 10.4 Recommendations 69 11 TBS Coatings Ltd 70 11.1 Introduction 70 11.1.1 Process description 70 11.1.2 Air discharge permit 71 11.2 Results 72 11.2.1 Inspections 72 11.2.2 Results of receiving environment monitoring 72 11.2.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 73

Annual report 2016-2017

10.1.3. Air discharge permit 64 10.2. Results 65 10.2.1. Inspections 65 10.2.2. Results of stormwater discharge monitoring 65 10.2.3. Air discharge monitoring 67 10.2.4. Investigations, interventions, and incidents 70 10.3. Discussion 71 10.3.1. Discussion of plant performance 71 10.3.2. Environmental effects of exercise of consents 71 10.3.3. Evaluation of performance 72 10.3.4. Recommendations from the 2015-2016 Annual Report 74 10.3.5. Alterations to

Annual report 2015-2016

Process description 70 10.1.2 Air discharge permit 71 10.2 Results 72 10.2.1 Inspections 72 10.2.2 Results of receiving environment monitoring 72 10.2.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 74 10.3 Discussion 74 10.3.1 Discussion of plant performance 74 10.3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 74 10.3.3 Evaluation of performance 75 10.3.4 Recommendations from the 2014-2015 Annual Report 76 10.3.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2016-2017 76 10.4

Memo - regional freshwater ecological quality

catchments is of 5 units: thus, the 2015-2016 year was quite typical in this regard. Eleven of the 59 sites recorded new maximum MCI values in one or other of the two surveys, compared with three such results in the last period. The highest MCI scores in the 2015-2016 year were found at the upper Timaru Stream (146 in spring and 144 in summer) and upper Waingongoro River (144 in summer). Lowest MCI scores were found in the uppermost sites in the Mangawhero and Mangati streams (MCIs of 72 in

Amenity values

94% were satisfied with the appearance and maintenance of the district’s parks and reserves; 77% were satisfied with local roads and 73% were satisfied with footpaths in the district. Overall results of the 2014 survey show most respondents are fairly or very satisfied with council services in the district. There are 72 notable trees protected in the South Taranaki District Plan. Similar numbers of native and introduced species are identified and selected for protection on the basis

Schedules of charges

Trucking Company Limited $1,218 TPJ Partnership $3,378 Value Timber Supplies Limited $2,774 Waverley Sawmills Limited $5,674 Westown Haulage Limited $2,594 MARINE DISCHARGES Anzco Foods Waitara Limited (ELTHAM) $4,063 New Plymouth District Council $37,728 Port Taranaki Limited $3,271 page 72 MEAT PROCESSING Gold International Meat Processors Limited $20,534 Riverlands Eltham Limited (ELTHAM) $39,675 Silver Fern Farms Limited

Todd deep well injection consent monitoring 2020-2021

wells and the KA1/7/19/20 wellsite via the KA1 and KA20A wells Year Annual volume (m3) Max. injection volume (m3/day) Maximum injection rate (m3/hr)* Max. injection pressure (bar) Avg. injection pressure (bar) Consent limit - 2,000 - - - 2020-2021 50,912 547 39 97 - 2019-2020 52,552 269 180 104 N/A 2018-2019 24,594 478 29 100 N/A 2017-2018 19,563 565 72 100 32 2016-2017 32,500 584 35 63 42 2015-2016 35,830 489 73 61 44 2014-2015