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Jason Savelio Karena Pene's evidence

generally maintained below 35 kg/m2. Via the same method of derivation I have used above, this stocking density equates to a total site population of approximately 87,100 birds. 72 Figure 2 compares individual shed odour emission rates that I have estimated in the following scenarios: (a) the proposed free-range configuration (with a stocking density of 15 birds/m2); (b) the existing broiler configuration operating at the currently consented stocking density limit (38

NPDC New Plymouth WWTP Annual Report 2020 2021

During the monitoring period, NPDC demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance at the NPWWTP. In relation to the operation of the NPWWTP, NPDC holds six resource consents, which include a total of 72 conditions setting out the requirements that NPDC must satisfy. NPDC holds one consent to discharge treated wastewater into the Tasman Sea, one consent to discharge sludge leachate to groundwater, two consents relating to structures, one consent to discharge emissions into the

DH Lepper Trust Piggery Annual Report 2021-2022

72 367 Turbidity NTU 30 18 530 Suspended solids g/m3 30 49 350 DRAFT page 9 Parameter Unit Number of samples Range Chloride g/m3 29 230 408 Total nitrogen (N) g/m3 13 98 289 Dissolved Reactive Phosphorous DRP (since June 2018) g/m3 8 23 29 Total Potassium (K) g/m3 13 200 288 Trends in various parameters are graphed in Figure 3 – Figure 7. Please note collection methods for conductivity and phosphorous changed in June 2018 and results before

Kauri E hydraulic fracturing report 2018-2019

discharge location over the 72 hour period following hydraulic fracturing. • It is considered that the mitigation measures implemented by Westside were effective in reducing the potential for any adverse environmental effects associated with fracturing operations. 2.2 Physiochemical sampling 2.2.1 Groundwater Hydraulic fracturing activities commenced at the Kauri-E wellsite on 29 August 2018 and continued until 31 August 2018. A pre-fracturing baseline sample was collected on 24 May

2021/2022 schedules of charges

… activities authorised under regulations in the NES-FW installed after 3 September 2020. The Council may charge for monitoring permitted activities for compliance inspections and monitoring under the following sections of the regulations: 70 Culverts 72 Weirs. Inspection (includes travel time, inspection, monitoring and reporting) will be undertaken by Council officers. Non- compliance with the regulations will result in additional inspections and/or monitoring to ensure compliance has

Housing & Business Development Capacity Assessment 2019

.............................................................................................................. 72 8 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 73 This report has been prepared by New Plymouth District Council page 2 Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment 1 Executive Summary This report presents the key results of the Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment (HBA) for the New Plymouth District. In 2016, the New Plymouth

Agenda for the Hearing of Submissions on the 2024/2034 Long Term Plan 6 May 2024

Submission 2: Taranaki Kiwi Trust 16 Submission 3: Recreation Aotearoa 26 Submission 4: Taranaki Fish and Game 42 Submission 5: Federated Farmers 49 Submission 6: Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc. (Forest & Bird). 58 Submission 7: Youth Feedback 72 Submission 8: Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust 83 Submission 9: Health NZ National Public Health Service Te Manawa Taki 84 Hearing of Submissions on the Consultation Document for the 2024/2034 Long-Term Plan