Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Regional cleanfills consent monitoring 2018-2019

Site description and activities 70 14.2 Results 72 Inspections 72 Riparian planting 72 Results of discharge and receiving water monitoring 72 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 73 14.3 Discussion 74 Discussion of site performance 74 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 74 Evaluation of performance 74 Recommendations from the 2017-2018 Annual Report 77 Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2019-2020 77 14.4

Combined biennial report 2015-2017

recommendations for 2017-2019 68 16 Taunt Contracting Limited – Bird Road 12th Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 69 16.1 Introduction 69 16.2 Resource consents 69 page iv 16.3 Compliance monitoring programme 69 16.4 Environmental and administrative performance summary 70 Alterations and recommendations for 2017-2019 71 17 Ravensdown Windy Point Quarry Limited 4th Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2015- 2017 72 17.1 Introduction 72 17.2 Resource consents 72

Remediation hearing - submitters' expert evidence - Ngāti Mutunga (Katie Jane Beecroft)

up to 600 kg N/ha/year is given for cut and carry operations in Waikato Regional Council rules and should therefore be acceptable for this site. 72 I consider that the ability to achieve nitrogen uptake approaching 600 kg N/ha/y at this location is likely to be limited by the microclimate of the site and by the soil type and landforms. For instance, this location would not support a typical dairy farming operation. No analysis has been provided to support the suitability of this

Quarterly Monitoring Report No 2 - March 2018

affordability is positive, the level remains high. For example at March 2016, 72 per cent of first-home buyers in New Plymouth could not comfortably afford a typical ‘first-home’ priced house. page New Plymouth District Council 22 of 32 Indicator 13: Housing Affordability Measure (HAM) – Rents Source: MBIE Urban Development Capacity Dashboard, October 2017 Observations HAM - Rent 2006 2013 2016 Short Term % Change

Annual report 2012-2013

Derby Road site (MKW000200) 65 Tarata Road site (MKW000300) 68 Discussion 71 3.2.9 Waitara River 72 Mamaku Road site (WTR000850) 72 Community composition 73 Temporal trends in 1995 to 2013 data 74 Discussion 75 3.2.10 Mangati Stream 76 Site downstream of railbrige (MGT000488) 76 Te Rima Place, Bell Block site (MGT000520) 79 Discussion 81 3.2.11 Waimoku Stream 82 Lucy’s Gully site (WMK000100) 82

Stanley Bros Trust Piggery Annual Report 2021/22

industrial discharge. Table 2 Irrigation pond effluent sample 2021-2022 results PGP001003 Collected 14 June 2022 Parameter Time 12:45 Temperature °C - pH pH Units 7.5 Electrical Conductivity (EC) mS/m 452 Chloride g/m3 72 Nitrate-N + Nitrite-N g/m3 1.27 Total Nitrogen g/m3 580 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) g/m3 580 Total Sodium g/m3 89 Total Phosphorus g/m3 119 Total Potassium g/m3 270 Sodium Absorption Ratio (Total) 1.9 Total Calcium g/m3 102

Lower Waiwhakaiho industries consent monitoring 2019-2020

exercise of consent 67 11.5.3 Evaluation of performance 67 12 Ravensdown Fertiliser Co-operative Ltd 70 12.1 Process description 70 12.2 Water discharge permit 70 12.3 Results 71 12.3.1 Inspections 71 12.3.2 Results of discharge monitoring 71 12.3.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 71 12.4 Discussion 72 12.4.1 Discussion of site performance 72 12.4.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consent 72 12.4.3 Evaluation of performance 73 13 Taranaki …

Freshwater ecological monitoring 2016-2017

abundant (XA)] recorded in the Punehu Stream at Wiremu Road between 1995 and March 2016 [42 surveys], and by the spring 2016 and summer 2017 surveys 139 Table 72 Results of previous surveys performed in the Punehu Stream at SH 45 together with spring 2016 and summer 2017 results 141 Table 73 Characteristic taxa [abundant (A), very abundant (VA), extremely abundant (XA)] recorded in the Punehu Stream at SH 45 between 1995 and March 2016 [42 surveys], and by the spring 2016

Annual report 2016-2017

BTW Wellington landfarm consent monitoring report 2016-2017.