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web Fonterra appeal

the discretionary activity status for "other" discharges of contaminants into air from industrial and trade premises in the coastal marine area. Retain Rule 17 as notified. 29 Rule 33 Other structure erection or placement not provided for in Rules 18 to 32 Discretionary activity 72 Support Fonterra supports the discretionary activity status for erection or placement of "other" structures not provided in Rules 18 to 32. Retain Rule 33 as notified. 30 Rule 35

Annual report 2015-2016

Urenui & Onaero motor camps consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council

Appendix 1: Site pull report

0.31Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry wt - - - - 1.6m&p-Xylene mg/kg dry wt - - - - < 0.058o-Xylene Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil g/100g as rcvd 68 69 72 76 74Dry Matter mg/kg dry wt < 9.9 < 9.5 < 11 < 9.6 12C7 - C9 mg/kg dry wt < 20 63 < 20 98 27C10 - C14 mg/kg dry wt < 30 210 49 450 < 30C15 - C36 mg/kg dry wt < 60 280 < 60 540 < 60Total hydrocarbons (C7 - C36) Sample Name: Lab Number: TP3/2 TP3/3 TP3/9 TP3/12 634644.18 634644.19 634644.24 634644.25 634644.28 TP3/8 BTEX in

Explanation of the rules

Regional Council. The standards stipulated must be met to ensure that adverse effects are avoided, remedied or mitigated. Rule 72: Extraction of sand, gravel, aggregate or rocks that is not provided for Rule 72 covers the extraction of bed material from the bed of a lake that is not provided for or cannot meet the conditions of Rule 71, and also covers the extraction of bed material from a river that does not meet the conditions of Rules 70 and 71. These activities have been classified as

Waste Remediation Services Ltd Waikaikai Landfarm Annual Report 2021-2022

Absorption Ratio (SAR) 18 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.6 0.7 0.9 Soluble Salts g/100 g dry wt 0.25 < 0.05 0.09 < 0.05 0.34 0.06 0.06 C10 - C14 mg/kg dry wt 150 330 920 420 7700 185 1260 C15 - C36 mg/kg dry wt 1,300 1700 3700 1490 15800 1230 4400 Total hydrocarbons (C7 - C36) mg/kg dry wt 2000 4700 1920 23000 1420 5600 Chloride mg/kg dry wt 700 70 197 101 1230 24 72 Total Recoverable Barium mg/kg dry wt 10,000 670 2700 2600 1990 3500 3200 page 21 WRS

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Turangi B Hydraulic Fracturing Report 2019-2021

Well Unit Turangi-8 Turangi-9 Turangi-10 Turangi-11 Parameter Range Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max pH pH 5.7 8 6.9 7.5 6.5 7.7 6.4 9.7 Total Alkalinity g/m3 as CaCO3 280 2,800 560 3,100 660 5,000 106 4,400 Total Hardness g/m3 as CaCO3 88 400 51 560 70 410 45 470 Electrical Conductivity mS/m 474 1,824 552 2,260 642 1,850 104 6,040 Total Dissolved Solids g/m3 4,300 12,100 4,900 15,200 5,500 13,600 1,620 21,000 Dissolved Barium g/m3 1.29 38 1.99 65 1.9 56 0.182 72

Greymouth Petroleum DWI monitoring 2018-2019

2015-2016 9,919 92 36.8 70 59 Consent limit 5312-1 - - - - - 2014-2015 13,403 58 18.3 119** 74 2013-2014 15,299 69 18.0 93** 72 Note ** Maximum injection pressures were recorded during reporting periods prior to the consent limit of 85 bar being applied page 18 Figure 4 Kaimiro-17: Daily injection volumes and injection pressures (2018-2019) 2.4.2 Summary of injection activities at the Kowhai-A wellsite (consent 7466-1.1) A summary of the injection