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Annual report 2013-2014

NPDC Inglewood oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2012-2013

Consent 0145-2 - Emergency discharge of untreated wastewater to water 72 Table 38 Summary of performance for Consent 4576-2 - Erect, place and maintain oxidation pond and emergency overflow discharges structures 73 List of figures Figure 1 Sampling sites in an unnamed tributary of the Wairoa Stream in relation to Waverley oxidation ponds 13 Figure 2 Aerial location map of sites in relation to Waverley oxidation ponds 13 Figure 3 MfCI and number of taxa recorded in

Report 2013-2014

Greymouth Petroleum Kowhai-C consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Regional Walkways and Cycleways Strategy for Taranaki

regional and local planning documents 16 Figure 2: Percentage of trips by mode and region in 1997/1998 24 Figure 3: 1996, 2001 and 2006 Walking and Cycling journey to work statistics 25 Figure 4: Road casualties by user type 2000–2004 25 Figure 5: Proposed pathways for Taranaki 41 Figure 6: Existing walkways and walking opportunities in Taranaki 64 Figure 7: Cycle network plan for New Plymouth 71 Figure 8: Total cycle network plan for the New Plymouth District 72 Figure 9:

Annual report 2014-2015

exercise of consents 71 9.4.2 Evaluation of performance 72 page iv 9.4.3 Recommendation from the 2012-2014 Biennial Report 73 9.4.4 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2015-2016 74 9.5 Recommendation 74 10. New Zealand Decorative Concrete Limited 75 10.1 Process description 75 10.2 Water discharge permits 76 10.3 Results 77 10.3.1 Inspections 77 10.3.2 Results of discharge monitoring 77 10.3.3 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 77 10.4