Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Weather study unit

Everett Park Inglewood 10 109 58 74 694 74 68 Kaka Road Okoki 8 87 46 55 672 69 54 Mangaoapa Road Purangi 10 85 43 63 552 58 52 Pohokura Saddle Pohokura 10 75 45 55 561 65 53 Duffy’s Farm Hawera 11 46 40 37 370 65 74 Punehu* Pihama 10 97 91 83 470 87 91 Durham Street Patea 10 61 51 46 498 70 69 Waitotara Waitotara Valley 11 92 63 50 502 72 70 Note: * = NIWA station Table 2Table 2Table 2Table 2 Rivers Recorded height (m) Maximum Minimum Mean River and site

Waikaikai Landfarm consent monitoring 2018-2019

repairs. July 2018 Westside Kauri A wellsite 72 m3 of production wastes (liquids and solids) July 2018 Westside Manutahi A2 well 678 m3 drilling muds and solids July-August 2018 Kapuni Production Station 101 m3 production station cleaning operations During the monitoring year Todd Energy Mangahewa (6) wells 3,557.1 m3 of drilling waste liquid and lower hole solids January through to June 2019 On-going Table 9 WRS Waikaikai landfarming dates and location

Annual report 2016-2017

gully system (site 5) previously had a MCI target of 72 using the hard bottomed score but this has been revised to a soft bottomed index score (MCI-sb) of 73 units based on the 25th percentile of historical data. Site 13 does not have enough data to set a target score based on historic data. During all four surveys, the Kapuni Stream and its tributary sites generally had scores indicating ‘good’ or ‘very good’ macroinvertebrate health. In the November 2016 survey both gully sites had MCI-sb

Biennial report 2012-2014

6.2 20.1 75 Mar-14 7.6 20.0 99 7.1 20.1 76 Apr-14 11.9 20.0 87 4.8 20.0 71 May-14 10.8 20.0 98 3.9 15.1 72 Jun-14 10.3 17.9 99 5.7 13.0 67 page 14 Condition 2 also requires that STDC monitor the DO concentrations on a continuous basis and supply the results to the Council (Table 2, Figures 2 and 3). In Pond 1 the DO levels satisfied the ‘2 g/m³ compliance condition for 90% of the time’ for all but one month (April 2014). During December 2013

Annual report 2012-2013

NPDC Inglewood oxidation ponds consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Biennial report 2011-2013

Waste Remediation Waikaikai landfarm consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.