Your search for '72' returned 923 results.

Annual report 2013-2014

NZ Pure Bred Genetics consent monitoring report 2013-14 - Taranaki Regional Council.

Report 2013-2015

Todd Energy Mangahewa-A hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

NPDC Mangapouri Cemetery Annual Report 2021-2022

2017-2022 pH pH 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.0 5.9 6.3 Total alkalinity g/m3 CaCO3 47 40 57 59 39 68 Carbonate g/m3 CO3 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Bicarbonate g/m3 HCO3 57 49 69 72 47 82 Total hardness g/m3 CaCO3 45 37 43 52 32 56 Electrical conductivity mS/m 14.3 12.1 15.6 16.9 12.1 18.3 Total suspended solids g/m3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 3200 Total dissolved solids g/m3 91 78 102 93 78 151 Dissolved aluminium g/m3 - - <0.003 - <0.003 0.005 Dissolved arsenic g/m3 - - <0.0010 - <0.0010 <0.0010 Dissolved

Annual Report 2012/2013 - full document

58 Hazard management ...................................................................................................................................... 64 Recreation, culture and heritage .................................................................................................................... 72 Regional representation, advocacy and investment management ............................................................... 80 Financial statements

Waste Remediation Services Ltd Waikaikai Landfarm Annual Report 2021-2022

Absorption Ratio (SAR) 18 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.6 0.7 0.9 Soluble Salts g/100 g dry wt 0.25 < 0.05 0.09 < 0.05 0.34 0.06 0.06 C10 - C14 mg/kg dry wt 150 330 920 420 7700 185 1260 C15 - C36 mg/kg dry wt 1,300 1700 3700 1490 15800 1230 4400 Total hydrocarbons (C7 - C36) mg/kg dry wt 2000 4700 1920 23000 1420 5600 Chloride mg/kg dry wt 700 70 197 101 1230 24 72 Total Recoverable Barium mg/kg dry wt 10,000 670 2700 2600 1990 3500 3200 page 21 WRS

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Turangi B Hydraulic Fracturing Report 2019-2021

Well Unit Turangi-8 Turangi-9 Turangi-10 Turangi-11 Parameter Range Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max pH pH 5.7 8 6.9 7.5 6.5 7.7 6.4 9.7 Total Alkalinity g/m3 as CaCO3 280 2,800 560 3,100 660 5,000 106 4,400 Total Hardness g/m3 as CaCO3 88 400 51 560 70 410 45 470 Electrical Conductivity mS/m 474 1,824 552 2,260 642 1,850 104 6,040 Total Dissolved Solids g/m3 4,300 12,100 4,900 15,200 5,500 13,600 1,620 21,000 Dissolved Barium g/m3 1.29 38 1.99 65 1.9 56 0.182 72