Your search for '72' returned 923 results.

Todd deep well injection monitoring 2018-2019

of injection occurring under consent 9970 (2015-2019) Deep well injection undertaken at the KA9 and KA1/9/19/20 wellsites via the KW2, KA16 and KA1 wells Year Annual volume (m3) Max. injection volume (m3/day) Maximum injection rate (m3/hr)* Max. injection pressure (bar) Avg. injection pressure (bar) Consent limit - 2,000 - - - 2018-2019 24,594 478 29 100 N/A 2017-2018 19,563 565 72 100 32 2016-2017 32,500 584 35 63 42 2015-2016 35,830

Hāwera oxidation ponds consent monitoring 2017-2018

Temperature 12.0 15.7 23.8 20.6 11.5 11.1 13.9 71 7.6 23.2 16.5 Conductivity @20°C (mS/m) 58.9 51.1 90.8 85.9 89.4 66.1 76.0 72 42.9 127.0 74.8 page 14 Parameter Sample date and time (2017-2018) Summary statistics (2010-2017) 16-Aug-17 17-Oct-17 06-Dec-17 09-Feb-18 13-Apr-18 06-Jun-18 M ed ian No . o f s am pl es M in M ax M ed ian 11:40 10:15 09:20 09:50 10:40 11:00 pH 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.3 7.8 7.5 7.5 43 6.8

The Mānuka & Kānuka Plantation Guide (Landcare Research)

PLANTATIONS 41 6.1 Planting Location and Season 42 6.2 Plant Sourcing 43 6.3 Eco-sourcing 45 6.4 Seedling selection 46 6.5 Planting 47 6.6 Site preparation 56 6.7 Pests and diseases 60 7. LONG TERM MANAGEMENT 63 7.1 Life Span 63 7.2 Resource Management Act 64 7.3 Plantation Collectives 65 8. CONCLUSION 66 9. REFERENCES 67 9.1 INTERVIEWS 67 9.2 LITERATURE 68 APPENDIX 1: BUILDING A BUSINESS CASE 72 DOCUMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE FOR CITATION: BOFFA MISKELL

Report 2011-2014

Trustpower Patea hydro scheme consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2014-2015

Trustpower Patea hydro scheme consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2012-2013

Waste Remediation Symes Manawapou landfarm consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2012-2013

Annual Report 66 14.4.4 Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2013-2014 67 14.4.5 14.5 Recommendations 67 15. Summary of recommendations 68 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 70 Bibliography and references 72 Appendix I Resource consents held by cleanfill owners and operators (alphabetical order) 75 page vi List of tables Table 1 Cleanfill consent details for the 2012-2013 period 5 Table 2 Number of samples taken and

Annual report 2012-2013

ponding. A methane meter was deployed and no methane was detected at the stormwater pond, culvert discharge, or at the site boundary. 7 February 2013 A site visit was to conduct a compliance monitoring inspection. The weather was fine with 47 mm of rain over the past 72 hours. The cap had a thick grass and had not been grazed for sometime and there was no evidence of cracking or subsidence. No issues were noted in regards to exposed refuse, odour or ponding. The drains were clear and