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Mangati Catchment Joint Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

Tegel’s consent 4038-6 67 Table 36 Tegel de Havilland Drive stormwater discharge sampling, 12 October 2020 70 Table 37 Tegel de Havilland Drive stormwater sampling results, 17 August 2021 71 Table 38 Tegel stormwater and wetland sampling results, 28 October 2020 71 Table 39 Tegel stormwater and wetland sampling results, 22 February 2021 72 Table 40 Tegel stormwater and wetland sampling results, 17 August 2021 72 Table 41 Summary of performance for Tegel consent 3470-4 73

AEE - Ōpunake Power Ltd

migrant species recorded downstream (including one migrant invertebrate), and only two recorded upstream. Red fin bully, which was recorded at both sites, was much more abundant downstream (0.23 fish/m2) than upstream (0.03 fish/m2). Although this species can climb over the weir, it is apparent that the weir is still a significant barrier to this species. The seine netting had similar results, with this method recording 72 common smelt downstream of the weir, at a density of 0.8 fish/m2, but

TRC Regional Air Quality Plan 2011 Updated July 2023

(regulations 8 to 17); • pruning and thinning (regulations 18 to 21); • earthworks (regulations 22 to 35); • river crossings (regulations 36 to 49); • forestry quarrying (regulations 50 to 61); • harvesting (regulations 62 to 71); • mechanical land preparation (regulations 72 to 75); and • re-planting (regulations 76 to 81). Most forestry activities are permitted by the NES-PF as long as foresters meet specific conditions to prevent significant

Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki 2011

(regulations 8 to 17); • pruning and thinning (regulations 18 to 21); • earthworks (regulations 22 to 35); • river crossings (regulations 36 to 49); • forestry quarrying (regulations 50 to 61); • harvesting (regulations 62 to 71); • mechanical land preparation (regulations 72 to 75); and • re-planting (regulations 76 to 81). Most forestry activities are permitted by the NES-PF as long as foresters meet specific conditions to prevent significant


Agenda for Policy and Planning Committee, October 2017.

Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki (2009)

...................................................... 71 8.3.2 Protection of Biodiversity................................................................................................................ 72 8.3.3 Protection of recreation and amenity values................................................................................... 72 8.3.4 Protection of historic heritage ........................................................................................................ 73 8.4 USE AND DEVELOPMENT

Annual report 2014-2015

NPDC Colson Rd landfill consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual report 2014-2015

Hongihongi-Herekawe catchment consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.