Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda December 2022
Council Meeting Agenda December 2022
Council Meeting Agenda December 2022
Policy and Planning Committee Agenda June 2024
migrant species recorded downstream (including one migrant invertebrate), and only two recorded upstream. Red fin bully, which was recorded at both sites, was much more abundant downstream (0.23 fish/m2) than upstream (0.03 fish/m2). Although this species can climb over the weir, it is apparent that the weir is still a significant barrier to this species. The seine netting had similar results, with this method recording 72 common smelt downstream of the weir, at a density of 0.8 fish/m2, but
Executive Audit and Risk Agenda December 2024 web
review in 2022/2023. Ten year review of pest management strategies has been commenced in accordance with the Biosecurity Act, which included the preparation of a comprehensive section 72 cost/benefit analysis report and the public notification of a Proposed Pest Plan and a separate draft Taranaki Regional Council Biosecurity Strategy. The Plan and Strategy were publicly notified for public consultation on 20 May 2017 with the deadline for public submissions
Bacteria Temperature Turbidity (NZST) (ms/m) E.coll (nos/100ml) Enterococcl (nos/100ml) Faecal califorms (nos/100ml) (°C) (NTU) 15.11.11 1145 352 120 13 120 17.0 5.6 28.11.11 1150 866 550 100 550 16.9 25 22.01.12 1005 567 100 42 100 18.8 2.9 26.01.12 0915 670 210 120 220 19.0 2.4 7.02.12 0940 110 100 52 100 18.8 1.5 10.02.12 1300 1310 79 42 87 20.8 1.5 13.02.12 1420 973 44 25 44 22.5 1.6 21.02.12 1010 466 230 110 230 20.9 1.4 27.02.12 1305 653 200 72 200 19.2 16
to public consultation. OUTPUTS/KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATIONS Performance measure Actual performance Undertake ten-yearly review of the Pest Management Plan for Taranaki in 2016/2017 and an interim review in 2021/2022. A Draft Pest Plan and a section 72 cost/benefit analysis report have been prepared taking into account the recently promulgated National Policy Direction (NPD). A separate draft Biosecurity Strategy for Taranaki has also been prepared that
with stakeholders planed for early next quarter. The proposed plan will come through to Council mid-2016 for consideration. Outputs/Key performance indications Performance measure Actual performance Complete ten-yearly review of the Pest Management Plan for Taranaki in 2015/2016 and an interim review in 2020/2021. A position paper has been prepared and targeted consultation undertaken. Consultants have been commissioned to prepare a section 72 cost/benefit
April 2016. The proposed plan will come through to Council mid-2016 for consideration. Outputs/Key performance indications Performance measure Actual performance Complete ten-yearly review of the Pest Management Plan for Taranaki in 2015/2016 and an interim review in 2020/2021. A position paper has been prepared and targeted consultation undertaken. Consultants have been commissioned to prepare a section 72 cost/benefit analysis report - the draft report has