Your search for '72' returned 923 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

Waverley Sawmills consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Methanex Motunui and Waitara Valley Combined Annual Report 2022-2023

96 71 300 Inhibitor AZ8104/ EPC8130 kg/day 25 98 58 300 Steamate NA0880 kg/day 11 31 19 40 Optisperse HTP 73301 kg/day 3 88 32 120 Optisperse HTP 73611 kg/day 9 72 34 120 Foamtrol AF2290 kg/day 0 0 0 40 Betz Dearborn AE1115 kg/day 14 27 22 60 Flogard MS6209 kg/day 0 17 8 40 Klairaid

Mangati Catchment Joint Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

Tegel’s consent 4038-6 67 Table 36 Tegel de Havilland Drive stormwater discharge sampling, 12 October 2020 70 Table 37 Tegel de Havilland Drive stormwater sampling results, 17 August 2021 71 Table 38 Tegel stormwater and wetland sampling results, 28 October 2020 71 Table 39 Tegel stormwater and wetland sampling results, 22 February 2021 72 Table 40 Tegel stormwater and wetland sampling results, 17 August 2021 72 Table 41 Summary of performance for Tegel consent 3470-4 73

Solid Waste Management agenda Nov 2020

four social media posts as part of the plastic change campaign and started a video series of Zero Waste tips with Rosie. These posts had a reasonable response from the community:  19 August Facebook post on upcoming plastic change - 265 comments, 254 shares;  27 August Facebook post noting change was happening 31 August - 72 comments, 51 shares, 5.3k views;  2 September Facebook post with tips on the plastic change and video - 4500 views  5 October Facebook …

Lepper Piggery consent monitoring 2019-2020

27 35 240 Ammoniacal nitrogen g/m3N 20 72 367 Turbidity NTU 27 18 530 Suspended solids g/m3 27 86 350 Chloride g/m3 26 235 408 Total nitrogen (N) g/m3N 10 98 289 Total phosphorus (P) g/m3P 5 50 70 Potassium (K) g/m3 10 210 288 Trends in various parameters are graphed in the following figures: Figure 3 – Figure 7. A marked improvement in terms of median wastewater concentrations were apparent for carbonaceous BOD5 (Figure 3) and suspended solids (Figure 6) …