Your search for '72' returned 907 results.

March 2020 rainfall maps

Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 53% 66% 65% 74% 44% 58%42% 67% 44% 70% 41% 64% 145 205 273 276 266 537 434 72 84 167 113 195 59% 206 72% 36% 199 Jan-Mar 2020 Rainfall KEY % of average ‘year to date’ rainfall xxx yy% 130 page March 2020 Rainfall millimetres 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-150 151-180 181-210 211-240 241-270 271-300 page

Final report 2016-2017

Total weight 50 kg Equivalent pigs Sows 180 162 29,160 583 Gilts 24 150 3,600 72 Boars 18 160 2,880 58 Weaners ( 8 – 10 weeks) 150 18 2,700 54 Total 372 38,340 767 The Company specialised in growing eight to ten weeks old weaners for the market and do not produce fattening pigs at the piggery. Significantly less effluent is produced by not growing fattening pigs. Piggery wastewater was collected from various collection sumps situated around the piggery. Raw

SDC Water Supplies Annual Report 2023 2024

Stratford (Pātea) 0195-3.0 60.1 (61) 4316 (n/a) 1,045,769 Stratford (Konini) 18.7 (20) 1491 (n/a) 79,398 Midhirst 1276-3.0 3.4 (5) 253 (432 Apr-Oct) 232 (254 Nov-Mar) 43,720 Toko 1337-3.0/1337-4.0 2.7 (5.6) 72 (80) 7,444 Consent 0195-3 requires that when the flow in the Pātea River at Skinner Rd falls below 780L/s that SDC reduce the take from the Pātea River to 41L/s and start taking from the Konini Stream at a rate no greater than 20L/s. Under these conditions SDC are required

Submitters Statement of Evidence Cameron Twigley

845m² 24 790m² 25 750m² 26 750m² 27 905m² 42 42 41 940m² 71 810m² 72 880m² 70 870m² 44 900m² 69 820m² 45 830m² 68 810m² 46 790m² 47 820m² 67 815m² 66 790m² 48 750m² 49 815m² 65 870m² 64 840m² 86 840m² 85 805m² 84 755m² 50 750m² 51 750m² 52 750m² 53 800m² 63 800m² 62 750m² 54 750m² 55 750m² 56 820m² 57 1140m² 58 915m² 61 835m² 60 840m² 59 820m² 78 805m² 77 805m² 76 805m² 81 860m²


270.4 232 1697.2 205 140 1930 Taungatara at Eltham Rd 19 178.5 127 1504.0 158 102 2005 Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd 14 102.5 100 1064.0 147 94 1998 Patea at Stratford 16 399.0 206 1753.5 143 94 1998 Mangaehu at Bridge 18 243.0 156 1440.5 145 93 1998 Manganui at SH3 Midhirst 16 487.0 224 1526.7 113 70 1990 Kotare at OSullivans 19 303.5 161 1548.0 117 72 1998 Uruti at Kaka Rd 17 353.0 178 1745.0 130 80 1990 Pohokura Saddle 17 352.5 183 1537.5 126 79 1990 Omaru at

Application Appendix K Proposed Consent Conditions 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals Trustpower 25 Nov 2020

for hydro-electricity generation purposes from the Waiwhakaiho River Rule 16 and 20 Discretionary The use and maintenance of an existing diversion weir and fish pass (including the removal of gravel, boulders and debris) in the Waiwhakaiho River Rule 52 (use) Rule 53 (maintenance) Rule 72 (bed disturbance) Permitted Permitted Discretionary Discharge of water over the existing diversion weir in the Waiwhakaiho River Rule 21

AEE Appendix 2 - Ōpunake Power Ltd

2 0.07 - - 3 0.04 Inanga ( ) - - - - 1 0.01 Common smelt ( ) - - - - - - Brown trout ( ) - - 1 0.02 - - Shrimp (P ) - - - - Present Seine netting Inanga ( ) - - - - 1 0.01 Common smelt ( ) 39 0.20 - - 72 0.8 Total number of species 4 - 3 - 6 - Total number of fish 52 0.23 28 0.47 154 0.91 page page Summary and conclusions page o o o References acroform