Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Policy and Planning Committee Agenda June 2022

days ................................................................................................... 60 3.2.3 Extreme, rare rainfall events ................................................................... 68 3.3 Drought ................................................................................................................... 72 3.3.1 Potential evapotranspiration deficit ....................................................... 72 3.4 Other climate variables

Summer 2012-2013

(SEA907095) 61 4.13.1 SEM programme 61 4.13.2 Compliance with guidelines 62 4.13.3 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 63 5. General summary 64 5.1 Regional overview 64 5.2 National context 66 5.3 Conclusion 67 6. Recommendations 68 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 69 Bibliography and References 70 Appendix I High tide times 72 page iii Appendix II MAC assessments 2008-2013 76 Appendix III SFRG 2007-2012 88 page iv

Operations and Regulatory Agenda October 2023

Organisations 0 0 0 Other Govt Departments 2 0 2 Iwi/hapu 72 0 72 Totals - August 2023 81 12 93 Operations and Regulatory Committee - Resource Consents issues under Delegated Authority and Applications in Progress 25 page 9) Consent type process 10) Applications returned incomplete under Section 88 For the 2023-2024 financial year, 1 application has been returned incomplete under S88 of the RMA for insufficient information. 11) Deemed