(Including: Street/road name, number, and locality)
3.4 Legal description of property at wellsite (refer to land title or rates notice)
3.5 Assessment/Valuation number of property (refer to land title or rates notice)
Location of activity (Including: Street/road name, number, and locality):
3.3. Legal description of property at site of activity (refer to land title or rates notice):
3.4. Assessment/Valuation number of property (refer to
works (either Longitude/Latitude or NZTM):
________________________ Longitude ________________________ Latitude OR
________________________ E ________________________ N (NZTM)
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3.4 Legal description of property at site of activity (refer to land title or rates notice)
3.4 Legal description of property at location of works (refer to land title or rates notice)
3.5 Assessment/Valuation number of property (refer to land title or rates notice)
Riparian Management
2.4 Legal description of forest land (refer to land title or rates notice)
2.5 Assessment/Valuation number of property (refer to land title or rates notice)
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regularly. A backup system allowed the collection of a limited range of critical data, which allowed
Trustpower to continue operating the scheme in line with other conditions (e.g. residual flows, race water
levels etc.). There was only one occasion when required flow rates were not complied with. This related to a
severe weather event resulting in a high race water level but was of short duration (no more than 2.5 hours).
Compliance with flushing flow requirements was good with regards to the
assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under
Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the
activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with STDC’s approach to
demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of
information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in
transport network, integrated across the whole transport
system, which enables Taranaki to thrive and to lead sustainably prosperous New Zealand.”.
Long-Term Plans
The Council’s Long-Term Plan (LTP) describes how the council is to deliver the outcomes agreed to
by the local community, the level of rates expected for the first three years of the LTP and other
information pertinent to the community. One aspect of a LTP is to set out public transport activities
and funding sources
category of
mesotrophic to possibly mildly eutrophic (mildly nutrient enriched). However, taking into
account the influence of suspended sediment in this reservoir, and the moderately low
chlorophyll levels, the classification is more appropriately mesotrophic. Previous trending of
this water quality data over time found a very slow rate of increase in trophic level. An update
of the trend report (for the period 1990-2014) has confirmed this very slow, insignificant rate
ultimately, through the refinement of methods
and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the
region’s resources.
1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance
Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this
report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the
period under review. The rating categories are high,