performance 49
9.3 Monitoring plan effectiveness 49
9.4 Monitoring other effects of this Plan 50
9.5 Plan Review 50
10 Funding 51
10.1 Introduction 51
10.2 Funding sources and reasons for funding 51
10.3 Anticipated costs to the Council of implementing the Plan 51
10.3.1 General rate and investment revenue 51
10.3.2 Recovery of direct costs 51
10.3.3 Funding limitations 51
Glossary 53
Appendix A: Pest Management Line 58
Appendix B: Self-Help Possum
Ordinary Council meeting agenda February 2020
wetland area between
2007 and 2012 but—
the annual rate of
wetland area loss has
reduced by 60%.
The Council has
increased its
biodiversity budget to
sites covering
119,103 hectares
are classed as Key
Native Ecosystems.
properties in the
Self-help Possum
Control Programme—
the largest participation
in NZ.
151,054Taranaki has
More than 90% approval rating for living
environment, parks and reserves and
(L). This type of assessment is similar to the guideline for
assessing odour in the RAQP.
The FIDOL factors are explained in greater detail below:
• Frequency; relates to how often an individual is exposed to odour. Factors determining this
include the frequency that the source releases odour (including its source type, characteristics
and the rate of emission of the compound or compounds); prevailing meteorological conditions;
and topography.
• Intensity: is the perceived
south where
the sedimentary rock is softer than that of the
laharic material of the ring plain coast. High
erosion rates combined with areas of soft
sediment have resulted in a highly irregular
coastline with numerous small embayments.
Erosion also results in the formation of coastal
stacks, small islands, caves and arches (for
example around Tongaporutu, Onaero and
Waverley). Small sedimentary reefs exist
within some intertidal areas although these are
not overly obvious.
south where
the sedimentary rock is softer than that of the
laharic material of the ring plain coast. High
erosion rates combined with areas of soft
sediment have resulted in a highly irregular
coastline with numerous small embayments.
Erosion also results in the formation of coastal
stacks, small islands, caves and arches (for
example around Tongaporutu, Onaero and
Waverley). Small sedimentary reefs exist
within some intertidal areas although these are
not overly obvious.
further dust
controls were required at the site. At approximately 1.18pm the first water truck
arrived, however the rate of application was insufficient to reduce the dust discharge
from the site. A second water truck arrived at 3.30pm. Dust discharge from the site
began reducing upon the application of water to the exposed surfaces from both water
trucks. 1,500 litres of Stabil-X was added to the water trucks. The application of
7 Affidavit of Daniel Charles Hunte
for odour – the
frequency, intensity, duration, offensiveness, and
location of the event. In terms of the intensity of
a dust event being deemed offensive or
objectionable, it can be noted that in situations
involving exposure by the general public, the
experience of the Council is that a deposition rate
of more than O.13 grams per square metre per
day can lead to justified complaints. For
suspended dust, an ambient concentration of
around 3 mg per cubic metre is the point at which
the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by
the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and
administrative performance during the period under review.
Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving
environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative
performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent
compliance in site operations and management
Condition 1 sets maximum abstraction rates under normal and emergency conditions.
Condition 2 defines three take location alternatives.
Condition 3 limits the duration of abstraction for emergency or other purposes.
Condition 4 relates to best practicable option.
Conditions 5 to 10 relate to water metering and provision of records.
Condition 11 addresses intake screening for fish protection.
Condition 12 requires financial contribution to Council for