activities as they arise. Consent holders are assessed on environmental performance
and on consent compliance. The rates for these consent holders in 2014/2015 was found to be 75% ‘high’ and 22% ‘good’.
The farm dairy effluent monitoring programme for the year has commenced with officers undertaking inspections and water
quality sampling to assess compliance with consent conditions. The non compliance rate is at a similar level to last year.
Monitoring inspections of permitted
various details of the performance and extent of compliance
by the consent holder/s during the period under review, this report also assigns a
rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance.
Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the
receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year.
Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to
demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and
discusses the results.
STDC demonstrated a high level of administrative compliance with its resource consents. No
rating is given for environmental effects as no discharges or in-stream works have yet to occur.
No incidents were recorded by Council in regards to this site during the period under review.
For reference, in the 2013-2014 year, 60% of consent holders in Taranaki monitored through
tailored compliance monitoring programmes achieved a high level of environmental
performance and
Council meeting agenda December 2019
and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods
and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the
region’s resources.
1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance
Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this
report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during
consent holder shall maintain a residual flow of not less than 400 litres / second in the
Manganui River immediately downstream of the diversion weir. The residual flow shall be
provided via the two fish passes located either side of the diversion weir.
3. The consent holder shall install and operate a monitoring device capable of measuring, at a
minimum of 15 minute intervals and with +/- 5% measurement accuracy, the diversion and
taking rate of water from the Manganui River
reasons for funding 68 10.2
Anticipated costs to the Council of implementing the Plan 68 10.3
General rate and investment revenue 69 10.3.1
Recovery of direct costs 69 10.3.2
Funding limitations 71 10.3.3
Glossary 73 11.
Appendices 77
Appendix A: Pest Management Line 84
Appendix B: Self-Help Possum Control Programme (as at May 2017) 86
Appendix C: Plants listed in the National Pest Plant Accord List 88
List of tables
Table 1: Animal organisms classified
reasons for funding 68 10.2
Anticipated costs to the Council of implementing the Plan 68 10.3
General rate and investment revenue 69 10.3.1
Recovery of direct costs 69 10.3.2
Funding limitations 71 10.3.3
Glossary 73 11.
Appendices 77
Appendix A: Pest Management Line 84
Appendix B: Self-Help Possum Control Programme (as at May 2017) 86
Appendix C: Plants listed in the National Pest Plant Accord List 88
List of tables
Table 1: Animal organisms classified
Committee received and noted the summary of the Council’s Incidents,
Compliance Monitoring Non-compliances and Enforcement for the period 11 August
2018 to 20 September 2018.
4.2 Mr B E Pope, Compliance Manager, provided an overview to the Committee on the
reported incidents and answered questions concerning officer assessments of the
4.3 Members discussed the farm dairy effluent consent non-compliance rate and ways to
reduce this.
Ordinary Meeting -
compliance by the Company, this
report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period
under review.
Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the
activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s
approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely
provision of information to Council (such