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Solid Waste Management Committee Agenda 12 August 2021

chemical and oil amounts collected at our AGrecovery events run on 10 - 12 May 2021. Each Council hosted an Agrerecovery collection day in their district coordinated by Waste officers. The aim was to assist and service farmers in our region with a funded event that provided safe disposal of oil and harmful chemicals. Collection amounts ranged between 1kg – 34kg. South Taranaki recorded the highest disposal rates of 1026.7 kg of chemicals and 1527.7kg of oil. This event was very successful with

Annual report 2016-2017

relation to suspended particulates, dust deposition rates or odour beyond the site boundary. There were three odour complaints received in the 2016-2017 period that were associated with the Colson Road landfill. Although it was found that the site was compliant with consent conditions at the time of investigation, and on two occasions there were low level intermittent odours were found. Overall, NPDC demonstrated a good level of environmental performance and administrative compliance with

13Furtherinformation AppendixI

groundwater table, BTW Company staff undertook two bore permeability tests on the monitoring bores GND 2188 and GND 2190 (January 8th 2015). The ‘slug test’ method requires removal of a set amount of water, where after recovery of water levels is timed with a stopwatch. The four litre ‘slug’ was removed by a high rate vacuum pump, and the recovering water level was determined with a calibrated electronic dip tape. Both monitoring bores did not fully recover to their initial water levels after

Stepping into the River (from NIWA magazine)

About 200 NIWA staff have expertise in freshwater page Water & Atmosphere June 2017 17 Water everywhere New Zealand has one of the highest volumes of water per capita flowing to the sea through some of the shortest waterways in the world, over the course of days rather than months (unless dammed). The flow rate changes dramatically due to rain, and the water often passes through an extreme range of geography – from mountain, bush, forest, pasture and towns.

Memo - regional freshwater ecological quality

appear to be improving. This is the highest percentage of sites showing an indication of ecological improvement of any degree found to date. Surprisingly and pleasingly, the number of sites showing improvement continues to be maintained at the high levels of recent years, rather than begin to decrease as might generally be expected once rates of improvement begin to flatten out. Changes in the indicative and in the statistically significant trends are summarised below. Progressive changes

Biennial report 2012-2014

within the permitted activity rule [Rule 15] of the Regional Fresh Water Plan for Taranaki. That is, the abstraction volume shall not exceed 50 cubic metres in any one day, and the rate of abstraction shall not exceed 1.5 litres per second. The abstraction of water at the Gully Rock Limited quarry is covered by Rule 15. 1.4.2 Water discharge permits Section 15(1)(a) of the RMA stipulates that no person may discharge any contaminant into water, unless the activity is expressly

Biennial report 2011-2013

abstracted for washing at quarries fit within the permitted activity rule [Rule 15] of the Regional Fresh Water Plan for Taranaki. That is, the abstraction volume shall not exceed 50 cubic metres per day, and the abstraction rate shall not exceed 1.5 litres per second. No consent for abstraction of surface water is required at this quarry. Wastewater and washwater is recirculated to minimise the volume of discharge and to reduce the need for water abstraction. page 6

Colson Rd Landfill consent monitoring 2019-2020

Overall, both surveys indicated that the discharge of treated stormwater and leachate discharges from the Colson Road landfill site had not had any significant detrimental effect on the macroinvertebrate communities of the Puremu and Manganaha Streams, or the unnamed tributary of the Puremu Stream. Air quality monitoring showed that off-site there were no significant adverse effects in relation to suspended particulates, dust deposition rates or odour beyond the site boundary. An enclosed …

Rocky shore monitoring 2017-2019

statistically significant, and that has a relative magnitude > 1 percent change per year), it has not been adopted in this report. While this method is useful and indicative when used to analyze a short, or initial, time period, it becomes less useful as the time series being studied grows longer. In fact, the rate of change which may be considered meaningful is specific to each unique site. As a consequence, while absolute and relative rates of change are calculated in this report, the interpretation

Regional Cleanfills consent monitoring 2017-2018

consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such