Your search for 'rates' returned 2252 results.

A Study into the use of prosecutions under the Resource Management Act

against a number of different defendants. An analysis of the prosecutions is provided in terms of:  sectors and general activities  individual local authority prosecution rates  the outcomes of prosecutions including the number of unsuccessful prosecutions  fine level in relation to financial position of defendants  culpability of defendants (i.e. the deliberateness of the offence)  the use of sentencing options  the average fines  awards of costs  30

Central Landfill baseline monitoring 2017-2018

considered to be outside the scope of the baseline monitoring programme, however where page this related directly to relevant consent conditions and/or there are resultant changes to the baseline monitoring programme, they have been included in this report. STDC demonstrated a high level of administrative compliance with its resource consents. No rating is given for environmental effects as none of the consents included in this programme have been exercised. For

Ahuroa B gas storage consent monitoring 2018-2019

(that is a defence under the provisions of the RMA can be established) may be excluded with regard to the performance rating applied. For example loss of data due to a flood destroying deployed field equipment. The categories used by the Council for this monitoring period, and their interpretation, are as follows: Environmental Performance High: No or inconsequential (short-term duration, less than minor in severity) breaches of consent or regional plan parameters resulting from the

Policy & Planning agenda July 2019

Plymouth district is expected to experience high population growth, i.e. to 92,400 in 2028 from an estimated 83,400 in 2018, and 106,100 by 2048 (i.e. 27.2% growth).  Housing: the cost of building or buying a first home in New Plymouth has increased. However, housing affordability is also on the rise in the short term.  Rent has continued to increase but the rate of change remains steady, alongside rental affordability.  Subdivisions: the increase in sub-dividable lots and