factors such as the general election, interest
rates and inflation providing additional complexity
around how we deliver services across the region.
The bottom line
All of this has had an impact on our budget for the
year ahead. Spending is now forecast to be $53.8m
(compared with $45m in the 2021/2031 Long-Term
Plan) with general rates rising from the proposed
5% to 15% for 2023/24, which for most ratepayers
will be less than $30 per year extra.
the patterns and frequency of water takes.
Water use and allocation in the Taranaki region
Current regional policy setting
The Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki (RFWP) sets the current policies and limits on how much water can
be taken from rivers, streams and lakes, and the rate at which it can be abstracted. The RFWP has been in
place since 2001.
The RFWP permits the use of small amounts of freshwater for domestic purposes or stock or dairy farm use
in Taranaki.
compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement
in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor.
In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several
years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level.
This report includes recommendations for the 2023-2024 year.
Table of contents
2023/2024 39
9. Setting of Rates 2023/2024 135
10. Appointment of Deputy Harbourmasters and Issuing of Warrants 143
11. Electoral Officers Report on the 2022 Triennial Elections 147
12. Public Excluded
13. Public Excluded Recommendations 165
14. Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes - Operations and Regulatory April 2023 167
15. Confirmation of Public Excluded Minutes - Executive Audit and Risk 8 May 2023 170
16. Ngāti Maru Joint Management Agreement 173
17. Agenda
charge-out rate is used to
calculate the value of the professional service. This is to capture the true cost of the staff’s time when
working on an activity. The scale of charges for staff time is set through the Council’s Long Term Plan
and updated each year through the Annual Plan.
These professional services are managed through the Council’s internal procedures. Refer Section 14
for additional details.
Professional service – External
Includes professional services typically provided
number (refer to
land title or rates notice)
5.3 Map reference/s NZTM Co-ordinates at
point of activity
5.4 Closest Waterbody
Provide the name of the closest
river or stream to the activity
07/24 - Doc # 3096580 Page 4 of 11
5.5 If the owner and/or occupier of the activity site differ from the applicant please provide their name and contact
details Please note that written approval is
For reference, in the 2022-2023 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental
performance and compliance for 878 (87%) of a total of 1007 consents monitored through the Taranaki
tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 96 (10%) of the consents a good level of environmental
performance and compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement
in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor.
performance and compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement
in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor.
In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the Company over the last several years,
this report shows that the Company’s performance remains at a high level.
This report includes recommendations to be implemented during the 2023-2024 monitoring period.
27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement
in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall
environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report
shows that the consent holder’s remains at a good level.
This report includes recommendations for the 2023-2024 year.
Table of contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports
achieved a good level of environmental
performance and compliance. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their
performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor.1
NPDC has achieved a ‘high’ rating for its overall performance for the last three years, and has improved
notably since 2011.
This report recommends that the monitoring programme structure remains the same as for the 2023-2024
year. The inspection frequency will be reduced from four