Your search for 'rates' returned 2231 results.

TRC Technical Memorandum Water Quantity 11 August 2023

due to natural variability (e.g. climate) or changes in the patterns and frequency of water takes. Water use and allocation in the Taranaki region Current regional policy setting The Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki (RFWP) sets the current policies and limits on how much water can be taken from rivers, streams and lakes, and the rate at which it can be abstracted. The RFWP has been in place since 2001. The RFWP permits the use of small amounts of freshwater for domestic

STDC Eltham WWTP Annual Report 2022-2023

the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report includes recommendations for the 2023-2024 year. page page i Table of contents Page 1 Introduction 1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act

Todd Petroleum Mining Company Kapuni Production Station Annual Report 2022-2023

programmes, while for another 96 (10%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report includes recommendations for

Osflo Fertiliser Ltd Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2022-2023

(<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, the consent holder’s performance remains at a high level. This report includes recommendations for the 2023-2024 year. page page i Table of contents Page 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1 1.1.1 Introduction 1 1.1.2 Structure of

Executive Audit and Risk Agenda Feb 2023

2,128,388 Total operating expenditure 4,514,882 4,432,063 -82,819 17,826,051 17,239,466 -586,585 47,004,286 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 217,838 333,605 -115,767 1,647,796 1,629,775 18,021 5,048,875 Rent revenue 199,380 110,000 89,380 709,809 550,000 159,809 1,260,000 Dividends 0 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue 2,950,334 2,950,334 0 5,900,668

Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2022-2023

led to mass loadings of nitrogen per hectare that were well in excess of those recommended by the Council and the description of N loadings previously provided by RNZ. As was the case for the 2021-2022 year, the rates of application in 2022-2023 raise questions about whether the ability of pasture to take up nitrogen could be or is being surpassed. On the other hand, the timing and volume of irrigation events in 2022-2023 suggest that these inputs were being managed more intentionally as a

Port Taranaki Industries Annual Report 2022-2023

(3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining one (< 1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holders over the last several years, this report shows that, with the exception of Port Taranaki, the performances of the port industries have remained at a high level. Port Taranaki’s performance has improved compared to last monitoring year. This report includes recommendations for the

Dow Chemical NZ Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023

achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 878 (87%) of a total of 1007 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 96 (10%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 27 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining one (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the

Executive audit and Risk Agenda June 2023

1,600,464 -126,117 2,128,388 Total operating expenditure 3,406,855 4,002,294 595,439 30,983,105 30,901,147 -81,958 47,004,286 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 720,455 533,072 187,383 3,684,610 4,069,472 -384,862 5,048,875 Rent revenue 142,066 110,000 32,066 1,236,152 990,000 246,152 1,260,000 Dividends 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 0 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates