Your search for 'rates' returned 2231 results.

Taranaki Regional Transport Agenda September 2023

Special Interest Group (regional sector of LGNZ) SIP Speed and Infrastructure Programme SMP Speed Management Plan SPR Special Purpose Road STDC South Taranaki District Council STE Stock Truck Effluent TEFAR Targeted Enhanced Financial Assistance Rate TIO Transport Investment Online TP Transport Programme TRC Taranaki Regional Council TSIG Transport Special Interest Group VKT Vehicle Kilometres Travelled Taranaki Regional Transport Committee -

Application form 21 05082 2 0 Trustpower Limited 26 Nov 2021

3 and 5 of the attached Assessment of Environmental Effects. page Liquids discharged to water What is the proposed maximum rate of discharge? Rate 2000.0 Unit Litres per second How frequent is the discharge? Not constant Hours per day 0.00 Days per week 0.00 Other Give full details of the method of discharge: The discharge will occur on an as required basis when flows in the Motukawa Race are high. Further details of the

Application form 21 03372 3 0 Trustpower Limited 26 Nov 2021

"Documents" step. If you upload a document containing your answers, please refer to the document name and the relevant page number in the text box. Give full details of the source of the discharge and any treatment it will receive prior to discharge: These details are provided in sections 3 and 5 of the attached Assessment of Environmental Effects. Liquids discharged to water What is the proposed maximum rate of discharge? Rate 7787.0 Unit Litres per second How

Waste Remediation Services Ltd Waikaikai Landfarm Annual Report 2021-2022

management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The

STDC Hawera Municipal Oxidation Ponds Annual Report 2021-2022

the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s

Council meeting minutes May 2021

decision; and in accordance with section 79 of the Act, determines that it does not require further information, further assessment of options or further analysis of costs and benefits, or advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision on this matter. Walker/Van Der Leden 8. Setting of Rates 2021/2022 8.1 Mr M J Nield, Director – Corporate Services, spoke to the memorandum setting the rates for the 2020/2021 financial year. The rates are driven from the adopted 2021/2031

NPDC Water Supplies Annual Report 2020 2021

under consent conditions and this showed that daily volume limits and instantaneous abstraction rates were complied with for the majority of the monitoring period. Self-monitoring of the Inglewood discharge showed that the discharge generally complied with consent conditions. During the year, NPDC demonstrated a high level of environmental and administrative performance with the resource consents. For reference, in the 2020-2021 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level

Schedule of charges Annual Plan 2023 2024

page 70 Ngā āpitinga Appendices Appendix 1: Charging policies Resource Management Act charging policySchedule of charges pursuant to section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991 SCHEDULE 1: SCALE OF CHARGES FOR STAFF TIME Rate for processing resource consents and responding to pollution incidents. Rate for all other Council work. Professional staff $111/hr $106/hr Professional/supervisory staff $141/hr $132/hr Team Leaders $173/hr $161/hr

Taranaki By Products Air and Water Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

is also measurable nitrate recorded. The fire pond discharges into the Inaha Stream year round, irrespective of the flow conditions in the Inaha Stream. The dilution rate of the wastewater discharge to the Inaha Stream was compliant for the duration of the discharge. The analysis of the oxygen and the sodium absorption ratio of the wastewater were compliant when assessed. The application of wastewater and fertiliser to land was limited to below 250 kg N/ha across all irrigation

Todd Energy Aquatic Centre Annual Report 2021-2022

through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement