Your search for 'rates' returned 2162 results.

NPDC Closed and Contingency Landfills (Inglewood, Okato and Marfell Park) Annual Report 2021-2022

rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement required and poor for both environmental and administrative performance. The interpretations for these ratings are found in Appendix II. For reference, in the 2021-2022 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 88% of the consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored

Form 221: Drill, bore or well

Longitude/Latitude or NZTM): ________________________ Longitude ________________________ Latitude OR ________________________ E ________________________ N (NZTM) 3.4 Legal description of property at site of activity (refer to land title or rates notice) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5

Annual report 2015-2016

Table 1 Summary of performance for consent 7078-1 29 Table 2 Summary of performance for consent 6558-1 30 Table 3 Summary of performance for consent 2299-3 31 List of figures Figure 1 Location and key features of the Normanby Power Ltd hydro-electric scheme 5 Figure 2 Flow data recorded at Eltham Rd and State Highway 45, compared with data provided by the Company, 10 May 2016 to 15 May 2016. 13 Figure 3 Residual flow data and abstraction rate data, provided by the Company. 14

Periphyton monitoring 2018-2020

(chlorophyll a 200 mg/m2) from 2025 onwards. The Council’s long-established chlorophyll a sampling protocol differs from that established more recently for the NOF guideline and therefore results cannot be directly translated to NOF bands. The Council is now also conducting a NOF-aligned periphyton monitoring programme. Long-term trends in periphyton cover have been analysed using a combination of the Mann-Kendall technique, a 5% significance level, and a Benjamini-Hochberg False Discovery Rate

Taranaki Thoroughbred Racing consent monitoring 2017-2018

site. Inspection visits typically comprised of: • a visual inspection of the abstraction bore, production pipework monitoring equipment and associated infrastructure; and • obtaining manual measurements of groundwater levels in the abstraction and monitoring bores and retrieving electronic data. To monitor the exercising of consent 7470-1.2, abstraction volume and rate data are recorded electronically at the site by a data logging system and transferred to the Council via telemetry,

Annual report 2013-2014

environmental performance and a good level of administrative performance. There were seven incidents logged in regards to exceedance of abstraction rates by STDC plants, however these all were found to be caused by operational events, such pump starts, air in the flow meters, and data handling errors rather than actual non-compliances and/or sustained abstraction exceedances. During the monitoring period, OWSL demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance and high level of

Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust Newsletter February 2022

initial development of the garden spaces at Pukeiti by Jack Goodwin in the 1950s, the Stead Block, named for former hybridist Edgar Stead, was developed and dedicated to the growing and celebrating of New Zealand raised rhododendron hybrids. Intended as the home for representations of all of these new hybrids it quickly filled, at a rate that at the time could not always keep up with the hybridising craze, and we now see some of the best and the biggest in other parts of the garden.

DraftAnnualReport18 web

continually refined and enhanced. THE BOTTOM LINE The Council finished the 2017/2018 year with a surplus of $962,000 (total comprehensive income). Total expenditure was $26.6m. Overall it was a good result, noting that the general rates increases have been at or below the rate of inflation for the past few years (a 1% general rates increase in 2017/2018). The Council’s balance sheet remains very strong, with no public debt. All of the achievements outlined here

Annual Report 2016/2017 - full report

Overall it was a good result, noting that the general rates increases have been at or below the rate of inflation for the past few years. The Council’s balance sheet remains very strong, with no public debt. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts and achievements of council staff during the year, ably governed by a team of Councillors providing clear direction, consistent with our mission. David MacLeod Basil Chamberlain Chairman Chief

STDC townships wastewater monitoring 2019-2020

with parameters typical of a municipal oxidation pond system receiving minimal industrial waste loadings. No significant impacts on the Kaupokonui River were recorded from the physicochemical parameters analysed during the mid-summer survey conducted in January 2020, when a moderately high discharge rate of well-treated wastewater characterised this system. No impacts of the effluent discharge were indicated by MCI scores through the reach of the river surveyed. During the year, STDC …