Your search for 'rates' returned 2162 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

1.1.4 Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holder/s during the period under review, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance

Annual report 2012-2013

Kapuni WTP sample results 27 June 2013 38 Table 4 Results of sampling at the Waimate West WTP 9 April 2013 38 Table 5 Results of sampling at the Inaha WTP 15 April 2013 39 Table 6 Compliance with abstraction rates at the Patea bores 47 Table 7 Compliance with consents 0634 and 3911 49 Table 8 Compliance with abstraction rates at the Waverley bores 50 Table 9 Summary of compliance in regards to abstraction rates, volumes and data 55 Table 10 Summary of performance for

Annual report 2013-2014

2.1 Site inspections 24 2.2 Non–exercised consents 26 2.3 Groundwater quality results 26 2.4 Residual flow compliance 27 2.5 Compliance with abstraction rate and volumetric limits 29 2.6 Record keeping compliance 30 2.7 Irrigation water usage 2013-2014 31 2.8 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 31 3. Discussion 34 3.1 Discussion of site performance 34 3.2 Evaluation of performance 35 3.3 Recommendations from the 2012-2013 Annual Report 38 3.4 Alterations to monitoring

Annual report 2014-2015

13 1.3 Climatological data and irrigation requirements 14 1.3.1 Droughts in Taranaki 16 1.4 Monitoring programme 16 1.4.1 Introduction 16 1.4.2 Programme liaison and management 16 1.4.3 Site inspections 17 1.4.4 Measuring and reporting of water takes 17 2. Results 21 2.1 Site inspections 21 2.2 Non–exercised consents 21 2.3 Residual flow compliance 22 2.4 Compliance with abstraction rate and volumetric limits 25 2.5 Record keeping compliance 25 2.6 Groundwater quality

Lepper Piggery consent monitoring 2019-2020

through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Trust, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned …

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda Dec 2020

-307,615 48,198,724 Revenue from exchange transactions Direct charges revenue 254,888 285,963 -31,075 792,896 870,389 -77,493 4,376,777 Rent revenue 106,738 95,833 10,905 313,301 287,499 25,802 1,150,000 Dividends 0 4,000,000 -4,000,000 0 4,000,000 -4,000,000 8,000,000 Revenue from non-exchange transactions General rates revenue 0 0 0 1,988,598 1,988,598 0 7,954,392 Targeted rates revenue 0 0 0 1,492,806 1,492,793 13 5,971,173 …

Periphyton monitoring 2016-2018

Rate (FDR) analysis. The results for the SEM nuisance periphyton programme during the 2016-2017 monitoring year showed that on one occasion at one site there was a breach of the thick mat guideline and on five occasions across four separate sites there was a breach of the long filaments guideline, out of a total of 64 site surveys. Ten sites could not be surveyed in spring 2016 due to high water levels. For the 2017-2018 monitoring year there were two occasions where there

Stratford water supplies monitoring report 2017-2018

from the Stratford WTP’s backwash pond. During the monitoring period SDC complied with all abstraction and discharge limits, and all abstraction data was provided in timely manner. Toko water supply still has minor issues in regards to how abstraction rates were measured, however a compliance plan was put in place to rectify this. During the year, the SDC demonstrated a good level of environmental performance and a good level of administrative performance. For reference, in the

Eltham waste water plant monitoring 2020-2021

enables the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for

Annual report 2016-2017

discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by SDC during the period under review, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site