Your search for 'rates' returned 2189 results.

ANZCO Eltham consent monitoring report 2019-2020

into the Waingongoro River, two consents to discharge effluent and solids to land, two consents for structures in watercourses, and one consent to discharge emissions into the air at the plant site. Monitoring is carried out by both the Company and the Council. The Company monitors water abstraction rate, effluent flow rate and composition, receiving water quality, odour at the plant boundaries, effluent loadings and soil and herbage for irrigation areas. The Council undertakes inspections …

Oaonui Water Supply Ltd monitoring 2017-2018

consents as defined in Section 1.1.4. The data and reporting requirements of the consent 0231-4 were not met within the set timeframe and it is further noted that given the current position of the flow meter, the rate of abstraction is not accurately being measured due to the reservoir between the flow meter and point of abstraction. Whilst Council is satisfied that meter is recording volumes of water consumed by the scheme, it is not able to measure the rate at which water is being abstracted from

Annual report 2015-2016

allowed for by a resource consent, or a rule in a regional plan, or meets criteria set out in Section 14(3) of the RMA. The Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki (RFWP) became operative on 8 October 2001. It is a statutory document which outlines the Council’s policy with respect to activities in relation to freshwater under the RMA. Rule 15 of the RFWP provides for the abstraction of up to 50 cubic metres per day (m3/day) of surface water at a maximum rate of 1.5 litres per second (L/s) as

TRC Annual Report 2018/2019

Predator-Free project, the ambitious region- wide campaign launched in May 2018. Monitoring data shows this intensive predator control may already be making a difference – rats and possums in urban New Plymouth are decreasing, while the trapping network in rural and urban areas is expanding rapidly. Monitoring, using rat footprint tracking and a possum bite-mark index, show catch rates have dropped; rats went from 33 per cent to 19 percent over the year, while the urban New Plymouth

Northern quarries monitoring 2018-2020

resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental performance and administrative compliance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the …

Annual report 2012-2013

analysed exceeded the 4g/m2/30 days deposition rate guideline, with only 28% of all the gaugings collected in the airshed as a whole exceeding this guideline. There were three gauging locations, one in the vicinity of each of Fitzroy Engineering Group Limited, Ravensdown Fertiliser Co-operative Limited and Katere Surface Coatings Limited, where the guideline was exceeded at the time of both surveys. The highest result obtained during the year under review was one of the Katere Surface Coatings

Todd Generation Junction Road Power Station Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance

Silver Fern Farms Waitōtara consent monitoring 2018-2019

Fern Farms in relation to their Waitotara site 9 Table 2 Monthly average and maximum instantaneous groundwater abstraction rates 2018-2019 13 Table 3 Monthly average and maximum instantaneous spring water abstraction rates 2018-2019 14 Table 4 Chemical monitoring results for the irrigation pond 2018-2019 15 Table 5 Groundwater monitoring sites 16 Table 6 Water quality results for monitoring bores October 2018 to September 2019 17 Table 7 Chemical composition of Te Kiri o

Fonterra Kapuni consent monitoring 2018-2019

requirement of the renewed consent. Stormwater from the site continued to be diverted to containment ponds, with the stormwater batch released after quality checks. Sample results for the discharge samples collected by the Council were within those prescribed by consent conditions. Particulate deposition from air emissions was, in general, similar to the previous monitoring periods. At the monitoring site west of the plant site the lactose deposition rate was found to be 7% over the guideline

Silver Fern Farms Waitotara consent monitoring 2017-2018

rates 2017-2018 14 Table 3 Monthly average and maximum instantaneous spring water abstraction rates 2017-2018 15 Table 4 Chemical monitoring results for the irrigation pond 2017-2018 16 Table 5 Groundwater monitoring sites 17 Table 6 Water quality results for monitoring bores October 2017 to September 2018 18 Table 7 Chemical composition of Te Kiri o Rauru spring 23 Table 8 Summary of performance for consent 2260-3.1 26 Table 9 Summary of performance for consent 2261-3.1