Your search for 'rates' returned 2189 results.

Report 2011-2014

consent 43 4. Recommendations 44 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 45 Bibliography and references 47 Appendix I Resource consents held by Trustpower Ltd in relation to the Patea HEPS 1 Appendix II Lake Rotorangi Hazard Maps 1 page ii List of tables Table 1 Summary of breaches of flow rise and recession rates in the 2011-2014 period 17 Table 2 Summary of lake levels in relation to consent conditions 20 Table 3 Reports submitted to

OMV NZ Ltd Pohukura Production Station Annual Report 2021-2022

achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the consent holders, this report also assigns a rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement required and poor for both environmental and administrative performance. The interpretations for these

Ample Group monitoring report 2018-2019

wastewater records indicated that discharges to the Kahouri Stream did not meet the 1:100 dilution factor. For the latter two incidents the Company has been sent a 14 day letter requesting an explanation for the breaches, and further page enforcement action may follow. As a result of the issues, the Company’s environmental performance rating for the year under review has been downgraded. During the year, the Company demonstrated a level of environmental and administrative

Submission from Papa Rererangi I Puketapu Ltd NP Airport 04 March 2022

air traffic control and navigational aids, refuelling services and significant areas of land and buildings to serve commercial tenants. All of these facilities are situated on land at the Airport designated within the District Plan. Average annual passenger growth rate is anticipated to be 5% per annum and in the period from 2018 to 2038 air passenger volume through New Plymouth is expected to grow from 430,000 to 1,200,0001. A new terminal building is currently under

Summary Statement Rebuttal C McDean

discharge rates (e) Best practicable option to prevent or minimise any adverse effects on the environment (f) Any matter contained in Appendix V (g) Review of the conditions of consent and the timing and purpose of the review 8 The intensification of Bell Block at an unspecified time in the future is not a matter that could be considered under the matter of discretion listed above. Receiving Environment 9 My assessment of the ability of neighbouring property owners

NPDC Closed and Contingency Landfills (Inglewood, Okato and Marfell Park) Annual Report 2021-2022

rating as to each Company’s environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. The rating categories are high, good, improvement required and poor for both environmental and administrative performance. The interpretations for these ratings are found in Appendix II. For reference, in the 2021-2022 year, consent holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 88% of the consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored

Waikaikai Landfarm consent monitoring 2019-2020

performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for their environmental and administrative performance during the period under review. Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of …

Investigation of air quality arising from flaring of fracturing fluids

below (less than 10% of) the national environmental standards for air quality (AQNES) (50 μg/m3). The air downwind of the flare would be rated according to MfE criteria as ‘excellent’ in respect of the PM10 concentration. Dioxins/furans: emissions of dioxins and furans expressed as toxic equivalents could not be distinguished from zero (i.e there was no meaningful difference between the combustion zone result and the laboratory blank result, at the limits of detection of mass quantities used

Eltham waste water plant monitoring 2020-2021

enables the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by the Company, this report also assigns them a rating for