includes links to all the detailed reports and other explanatory material relating to the
items considered by Councillors.
Significant matters
No rates change: The Council is budgeting for no change in general rates for the 2020/2021
financial year, rather than 3.8% as originally considered). “With the disruption caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic uppermost in mind, we’ve carefully tuned and trimmed our spending
and programmes while keeping any impacts to an absolute minimum,” says
maintained on the stream for the continuous measurement of flow rate and temperature.
Silver Fern Farms Ltd (meat processing plant) demonstrated an overall good level of environmental
Silver Fern Farms Ltd holds six resource consents, to allow it to maintain a dam in and to take water from
the Tawhiti Stream; to discharge to the stream and to land; and to discharge emissions into the air.
During the period under review, there were no incidents reported in relation to
Yes D No a
3.3 Location of activity (Including: Street/road name, number, and locality)
/^o ^oko, ^ /^rates notice)
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07/17-#623867 Page 3 of 14
3.6 Assessment/Valuatiop number of property (refer to land
.............................................................................................................. 7
6.1.1 Larger earthquakes .......................................................................................... 7
6.1.2 Long-term distribution ..................................................................................... 10
6.1.3 Long-term rate ................................................................................................ 10
6.2 Volcanic significance ................................................................................................... 10
............................................................................................................ 7
6.1.1 Larger earthquakes .......................................................................................... 7
6.1.2 Long-term distribution ....................................................................................... 7
6.1.3 Long-term rate .................................................................................................. 8
6.2 VOLCANIC SIGNIFICANCE OF EARTHQUAKE DATA .............................................................. 11
With a loading rate of 4mm/day for the disposal
• 30% buffer area for the disposal field to allow for separation from water ways
and any land unsuitable for disposal which may be present in the land parcel.
• Disposal only when the day’s rainfall is <10mm.
• The approximate 4 year period for which data is supplied is representative of all
foreseeable flow scenarios.
• The scheme should give consideration to the maximum flows, successive days of
maximum flows and be
.............................................................................................................. 7
6.1.1 Larger earthquakes .......................................................................................... 7
6.1.2 Long-term distribution ..................................................................................... 10
6.1.3 Long-term rate ................................................................................................ 10
6.2 Volcanic significance ................................................................................................... 10
health ratings from ‘very good’ to ‘fair’ in ring
plain streams. The MCI state of the environment
monitoring programme continued during the year under
review, with results for the 2017/2018 year to be reported
during 2018/2019.
Measure: Microbiological state of inland waters and
coastal waters at bathing sites.
Target (Years 1-10): Maintenance or increase in number
of sites compliant with the 2003 Ministry of Health
contact recreational guidelines.
Baseline: There are
at the plant
During the monitoring period, Riverlands demonstrated an overall good level of
environmental performance.
Monitoring is carried out by both Riverlands and the Council. Riverlands monitors water
abstraction rate, effluent flow rate and composition, receiving water quality, odour at the plant
boundaries, and effluent loadings, soil, and herbage for irrigation areas. The Council
undertakes inspections of the plant site and irrigation areas; effluent quality checks and
on population productivity. Similarly, Armstrong et al.
(2006) found that the nesting success, fecundity, adult female survival and juvenile survival of
North Island robins in the Paengaroa Mainland Island declined as rat tracking rates increased;
although 40 robins were reintroduced to Paengaroa in 1999, none of these were found in 2010—
likely as a result of rat predation. South Island robin (Petroica australis) numbers have also been
found to be strongly correlated with rat abundance in