Your search for 'takirau marae' returned 341 results.


continues today. Each whakaparu was named and these names remain and continue to be used by Te Atiawa today. The mara gardens along the river included Te Rare, Mangahinau, Panekeneke, Opakaru, Te Ramarama and Mangaemiemi. The ururpā include Te Rohutu, Manaaiti, Pukehou, Teremutu and Ngangana. The natural defences and height provided by the cliffs allowed control of the Waitara River. Aorangi along with Pukekohe and Manukorihi, formed a triangle of strongly defended pā in the

Annual Plan 2022/2023

resource consent processing periods to enable adequate consultation and possible resolution of issues with Māori  provide information and technical assistance on resource consents and resource consent processing and administration  arrange and facilitate meetings and undertake other forms of consultation with Māori as part of resource consent processing and administration  hold meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate page 9  arrange

Freshwater biodiversity

a spot near New Plymouth” while at the Waitara River, in “a single night's netting during a fresh in June, three large sacks were filled”. But anecdotal evidence indicates that fish stocks have declined markedly, and Calling on all its strength continue to do so. It's now a good haul to get a dozen where hundreds were reported a decade ago. The piharau was the subject of a recent hui at Kairau Marae in Waitara, attended by whanau representatives from around the country