Your search for 'takirau marae' returned 341 results.

Recount 96 - March 2015

Taranaki. Its catchment includes part of Egmont National Park, three marae sites, areas of intensive agricultural land use, and urban and recreational sites. As the Sharing the Waiwhakaiho project progressed, social scientists collected and recorded diverse experiences, memories and images of the Waiwhakaiho, including the streambank planting undertaken by farmers as part of the Taranaki Regional Council’s Riparian Management Programme. The Council’s Tupare

Annual Report 2013/2014 - full document

resource consent enforcement proceedings. ONGOING ENGAGEMENT AND SUPPORT The Council maintained and developed processes for ongoing engagement with Maori on a number of fronts from meetings to discuss matters of mutual interest, to contracting with Maori to provide services in relation to specific resource consent compliance monitoring programmes. During the year the Council:  supported the launch of the Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Puutaiao Management Plan at Tauranga a Ika Marae near

Annual Plan 2020/2021

as part of resource consent processing and administration  hold meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate  arrange interpretation services for the presentation of evidence in Māori when requested  exclude the public from a hearing and restricting the publication of evidence when necessary to avoid serious offence to tikanga Māori or to avoid the disclosure of the location of wāhi tapu  consider the participation of Māori in resource consent monitoring, including

Supporting Documentation TRC 2024/2034 Long-Term Plan

arranging and facilitating meetings and undertaking other forms of consultation with Māori as part of resource consent processing and administration  holding meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate  arranging interpretation services for the presentation of evidence in Te Reo when requested  excluding the public from a hearing and restricting the publication of evidence, when necessary, to avoid offence to tikanga Māori or to avoid the disclosure

DRAFT AP1920 web

Māori as part of resource consent processing and administration  hold meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate  arrange interpretation services for the presentation of evidence in Māori when requested  exclude the public from a hearing and restricting the publication of evidence when necessary to avoid serious offence to tikanga Māori or to avoid the disclosure of the location of wāhi tapu page 15  consider the participation of Māori in

Annual Plan 2019/2020

meetings on marae as appropriate  arrange interpretation services for the presentation of evidence in Māori when requested  exclude the public from a hearing and restricting the publication of evidence when necessary to avoid serious offence to tikanga Māori or to avoid the disclosure of the location of wāhi tapu page 11  consider the participation of Māori in resource consent monitoring, including input into the design of monitoring programmes and involvement in …

Annual Plan 2017/2018

technical assistance on resource consents and resource consent processing and administration  arrange and facilitate meetings and undertake other forms of consultation with Māori as part of resource consent processing and administration page 10 2017/2018 Annual Plan  hold meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate  arrange interpretation services for the presentation of evidence in Māori when requested  exclude

Draft Annual Plan 2017/2018

acknowledgements arising from Treaty of Waitangi settlements with iwi  provide information and technical assistance on resource consents and resource consent processing and administration  arrange and facilitate meetings and undertake other forms of consultation with Māori as part of resource consent processing and administration page 10 2017/2018 Annual Plan  hold meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate  arrange

DraftAP Feb2017 w

technical assistance on resource consents and resource consent processing and administration  arrange and facilitate meetings and undertake other forms of consultation with Māori as part of resource consent processing and administration  hold meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate  arrange interpretation services for the presentation of evidence in Māori when requested  exclude the public from a hearing and restricting the publication of

Annual Plan 2016/2017

meetings and undertake other forms of consultation with Māori as part of resource consent processing and administration  hold meetings and pre-hearing meetings on marae as appropriate page 7 WORKING TOGETHER WITH MAORI  arrange interpretation services for the presentation of evidence in Māori when requested  exclude the public from a hearing and restricting the publication of evidence when necessary to avoid serious offence to tikanga Māori