Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

NPDC landfills consent monitoring 2019-2020

ammoniacal nitrogen in samples. The autumn sampling in 2013-2016 sampling periods were collected after heavy rainfall which resulted in elevated the ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations of the samples compared to those collected in 2009-2012 (Figure 3). page 11 Figure 3 Ammoniacal nitrogen concentration of the Inglewood landfill stormwater/leachate (RTP002005) for monitoring to date 2.2.3 Results of receiving environment monitoring Chemical analysis …

Supporting documentatation for LTP

the standard set in the relevant asset management plan for minor schemes. Rainfall and river levels will be monitored and timely flood warnings issued. Recreation, culture and heritage  Facilitate the continued development and maintenance of Yarrow Stadium and ensure that Tupare, Hollard Gardens and Pukeiti are maintained as regionally significant recreational and heritage amenities. Regional representation, advocacy and investment management  Ensure that the

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Southern Sites Annual Report 2020-2021

original connection from the skimmer pits (STW002016) will be retained so that during times of high rainfall the flow can come directly from the skimmer pits rather than flushing out the sediment settling pond. Sampling of the discharge from the Kaimiro Production Station was undertaken twice during the 2020-2021 monitoring period. page 14 Table 3 below presents the results along with the limits stipulated by consent 10722-1. The sampling sites are shown in Figure 1.

Greymouth Turangi-C monitoring report 2016-2018

drain. It was to be assessed at the next decent rainfall event. It was reiterated that minor spills should be cleaned up at the time and drip trays used when possible. Some minor spills were observed at the time of inspection and staff were made aware of these. Bunding was in place where this requirement was applicable. All resource consent conditions were being complied with at the time of inspection. page 11 21 July 2016 An inspection was carried out at the Turangi-C

Annual report 2016-2017

Port Taranaki Industries consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017


land-based treatment and disposal of farm dairy effluent will be required in all but exceptional cases. In areas where land-based disposal is not suitable or appropriate at all times (for example in high rainfall areas on the upper ring plain with high drainage density and steep terrain) a treated contingency discharge to water may be allowed as part of the land discharge consent. The switch to land-based disposal (which is already well underway in Taranaki) will occur within reasonable

Patea Freezing Works detailed site investigation report

aquifers. The water table in the Marine Terraces is generally encountered at depths between 1.5 and 10 m below ground level. Recharge of the Marine Terrace aquifers is primarily from rainfall infiltration. The Whenuakura Formation comprises tertiary concretionary shelly blue-grey siltstones, mudstones and sandstones. Hydraulic conductivities in the Whenuakura aquifer have been measured at 1.3x10-5 to 5.8x10-5 ms-1. There are no bores tapping into this aquifer down-gradient from the freezing