Report 2010-2012
Periphyton (algae) state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Periphyton (algae) state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Todd Energy Mangahewa-C wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
muds, fluids and cuttings are mixed with sawdust or other organic material and then piled up on the drilling wastes pad. Any rainfall runoff and leachate that is generated, drains into a series of ponds for treatment. Between each pond is a baffle that skims off any floating hydrocarbons as the leachate passes through. These ponds also treat the leachate and stormwater from pad 1 where remediated drilling wastes are stored and/or processed further. The treated liquid from the pond treatment
Policy & Planning Committee agenda April 2018
Contact Energy Stratford Power Station & Ahuroa gas storage consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Lake Rotorangi monitoring report 2019-2020
monitoring by OMV OMV monitors the combined stormwater discharge from the site, with sampling triggered by rainfall events. Table 3 shows the results obtained during the 2021-2022 monitoring year. There was no discharge at the time of scheduled sampling during April 2022. In all samples pH, hydrocarbons, and suspended solids levels were all within/below the limits set by consents 5997-1, 6269-1 and 10933-1, and were indicative of a consistently clean discharge. OMV initiated daily stormwater
Executive, Audit & Risk Committee agenda December 2020
water was being directed through the system. The site was neat and tidy. Some flaring was being undertaken, with the flare burning cleanly and clear of smoke. 26 June 2017 The sites were inspected after a period of inclement weather; the stormwater systems had coped with the rainfall with skimmer pits on all sites observed to be clear of contaminants. No adverse downstream effects were evident. Minimal flaring was being carried out at Cheal A with no smoke or odours observed.