Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

December 2022 rainfall

The rain stayed away from Taranaki Maunga in December with just 60% of the long-term average recorded at North Egmont. It was a different story in the Eastern Hill Country with 194% at Mangaehu at Bridge. Across the region, rainfall was 109% of the long-term average. Total rainfall for 2022 ranged from 112% (Kotare at OSullivans) to 158% (Kapoaiaia at Lighthouse) with an average of 128.6% of normal. Mean river flows for December were close to typical December averages at around +19.6% while

November 2022 rainfall

November’s stormy weather contributed to a very soggy month with rainfall more than 176% of the long-term average. Rainfall for the month ranged from 129% at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd to a massive 239% in Stratford. Compared to typical full year totals, on average sites have already received 118.7% of a typical years rainfall, with the highest value 150% at Kapoaiaia at Lighthouse. Following the heavy rainfall, mean river flows for were generally well above typical November averages at around

October 2022 rainfall

October was a month of contrasts for rainfall in Taranaki, ranging from 65% of the average for the month at Waitotara at Hawken Rd to 164% at Mangati at SH3. The average across the region was 101.1% of the long-term average although there was less rain on the Maunga where rainfall was only around 60% at North Egmont and Kahui Hut. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 110% (Kotare at OSullivans) and 163% (Kapoaiaia at Lighthouse) with an average of 126.8% of normal. Mean river flows for

September 2022 rainfall

Rainfall for September was about average. It was 101.1% of the long-term average, and ranged from 73% at Brooklands Zoo at New Plymouth to 155% at Whangamomona at Marco Road. Rainfall was elevated, relative to typical monthly values, in the south and eastern side of the hill country, and somewhat below typical values north and south of the Maunga, and also in northern end of the hill country. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 113% (Kotare at OSullivans) and 170% (Kapoaiaia at Lighthouse)

Rainfall in previous years

Maps showing annual rainfall at Taranaki sites going back to 2007, and annual rainfall distribution since 2010. What you should know: ♦ The site maps show data from a selection of the sites we monitor, but not all of them. ♦ The distribution maps are based on mathematical modelling and may not accurately represent actual rainfall in some unmonitored areas. ♦ Distribution maps have been available only since 2010. Click on maps to see large versions Rainfall in 2022. 2022 rainfall maps [PDF, 738

August 2022 rainfall

August was exceptionally wet, with many rain-gauges collecting more than twice the typical rain for the month. The average was 176.6% of the long-term average, and ranged from 80% at Rimunui Station to 387% at Dawson Falls. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 113% (Manganui at SH3 Midhirst) and 211% (Dawson Falls) with an average of 141.7% of normal. Cape Egmont remains at around 211% of normal to date and has already received 95% of a typical year’s rain in eight months. Mean river flows

July 2022 rainfall

July was very wet. Rainfall for July was on average 178.4% of the long-term average, and ranged from 111.8% at Omahine at Moana Trig in South Taranaki to 296.4% at Dawson Falls. Rainfall was particularly high from Cape Egmont across the Maunga and heading south-west towards Eltham. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 109.3% (Kotare at OSullivans) and 200.8% (Kapoaiaia at Lighthouse) with an average of 136.2% of normal. Mean river flows for July were way up from June, and generally above

May 2022 rainfall

Rainfall for May was generally above the long-term May average, ranging from 85% to 179%, with an average of 118% of normal. Rainfall was higher around the Maunga and Ring Plain, and in the south of the region. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 75.6% and 213.4% with an average of 121.8% of normal. Cape Egmont remains at more than 200% of normal to date and has already received 80% of a typical year’s rain in five months. May 2022 hydrology report May 2022 rainfall maps What you should

April 2022 rainfall

Rainfall for April was generally well below the average, ranging from 27% to 72%, with an average of 50% of normal for April. Rainfall was higher around the Maunga and ring plain, and Cape Egmont received 84% of normal rain. Most of the rain fell in two events on 6 and 22 April. Te Maunga recorded between 67% and 79% of normal. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 67% and 213% with an average of 113% of normal. April 2022 hydrology report April 2022 rainfall maps What you should know: The

February 2022 rainfall

With two weekends of significant rainfall, a number of records were set in February. Rainfall for February was extremely high with sites recording between 178% and 702% of normal, with an average of 354%. This rainfall really only occurred on a handful of days, the 5th to 7th and then a week later from the 11th to 13th. The rainfall site at Cape Egmont recorded 628.6mm for the month, which is the highest February rainfall recorded for the site since records began in 1930. Summer rainfall