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Report 2013-2014

During the period under review, five inspection visits were carried out in relation to consents 7470-1 and 7470-1.1. The following observations were recorded: 4 July 2013 Repairs that had been made to GND2102 by Harry Dixon of Strata Drilling were inspected. The protective casing had been extended up by 2.65 m, preventing rainfall runoff from entering the bore at the surface. Manual water level measurements were carried out at GND2010, GND2102, GND2103 and GND2104. No abstraction occurred

Annual report 2013-2014

indicated by inspections and bacteriological sampling. E. coli counts were high in all Wai-iti Stream samples, including the sample taken upstream of the septic tank system. High faecal indicator bacteria counts are not unusual in streams which drain developed farmland. There was no evidence of any groundwater infiltration from the trenches/wastewater treatment system. A high enterococci count was obtained at one of the Wai-iti Beach sites as a result of heavy rainfall prior to sampling.

Report 2009-2013

downloaded. The water level data obtained from GND2102 is plotted in Figure 4. The data is presented with the production bore abstraction data and daily rainfall values taken from the Council’s Mangorei rainfall station, located approximately 3.5 km south of the site. An issue with the data being obtained from GND2103 was discovered in mid 2013. Further investigations found that the logger had not been suspended at sufficient depth to capture the full range of water level drawdown occurring

NPDC Inglewood WWTP Annual Report 2020-2021

diversion to the New Plymouth WWTP was completed prior to 2000, only intermittent discharges from the Inglewood WWTP have occurred, related to intense rainfall events and high stormwater inflows. Any periods of overflow events are monitored by NPDC (wastewater only), with samples collected and analysed by them at the time of each event. Prior to the wastes diversion, the consent holder had been required to monitor effluent quality on a two- monthly basis, as a special condition of discharge

Annual report 2015-2016

mixed with sawdust or other organic material and then piled up on the remediation pad. Any rainfall runoff and leachate that is generated, drains into a series of ponds for treatment. Between each pond is a baffle that skims off any floating hydrocarbons as the leachate passes through. These ponds also treat the leachate and stormwater from pad 1 where remediated drilling wastes are page 5 stored and/or processed further. The treated liquid from the pond treatment system

Manawa Energy Motukawa HEP Annual Report 2022-2023

Residual flow in race Retain a flow of at least 150 L/s, or a fish salvage is to be undertaken 3371-Diversion of water into race and Lake Ratapiko 2 Maximum race water levels Race water level: Salisbury Rd: 205.20 m a.s.l Mangaotea: 199.30 m a.s.l Mangaotea Aqueduct: 199.25 m a.s.l Lower Mangaotea: 199.15 m a.s.l 5 Recording of water levels and rainfall Water levels at the above sites to be recorded, with the inclusion of rainfall at the Mangaotea Aqueduct

Annual report 2013-2014

access jetties to the outlet grids had been constructed by the consent holder relatively recently for cleaning and maintenance purposes. The new outlet from the final pond was clear of debris on all of the inspection occasions. The provision for influent splitting at the entrance to the ponds’ system had been designed for use only under high (stormwater infiltration) flows. The influent splitter is checked after heavy rainfall and on a regular weekly basis by the consent holder’s contractor

Civil Quarries consent monitoring 2019-2020

taken and assess as compliant based on the results. 29 June 2020 Scheduled inspection undertaken by an investigating officer, during moderate rainfall with rainfall having occurred since the previous night. The Kurapete Stream was running discoloured (brown) due to the weather and the unnamed tributary was a slight, turbid grey due to quarry activities. The site inspection as unable to be undertaken due to earthworks and electrical works being carried out. The stream and outfall of the …