timely results during the
holiday periods. Follow up samples were often collected following instances where enterococci counts
exceeded 140 cfu/100 ml.
During the 2017-2018 summer season, 89% of the 245 scheduled samples remained within surveillance
mode. January, February and March were the months where the highest proportions of samples exceeded
the MfE guidelines. These three months also received considerably higher levels of rainfall than normal.
Four of the five highest
with no unauthorised overflows to the stream of any nature. Two incidents of
stormwater/sewage overflows were reported in the Konini Street area of the township due
to surcharging of the reticulation under very heavy rainfall conditions. Reactivation of an
alarmed and telemetered overflow site has been necessary to alleviate sewage entry to
domestic property. Signage requirements have been recognised and provided for should
such events re-occur.
Pond microfloral monitoring which had
effective precipitation >1500mm;
50% of the cumulative rainfall volume fell between 400m and 1000m;
volcanic acidic dominant geology, and pastoral land cover.
and under-represent catchments with:
mean annual temperature ≥12°C;
mean annual effective precipitation <500mm and ≥1500mm;
50% of the cumulative rainfall volume fell above 1000m;
alluvium and soft-sedimentary dominant geology, urban, scrub, exotic and indigenous forest land
At a local
the region’s rivers, streams
and wetlands.
2024/2034 Long-Term Plan 5 Consultation issues
Issue 3: Addressing climate change
As the impacts of climate change
intensify, we are considering how
we can best support climate
action in Taranaki.
What the issue is
Climate change will have wide-ranging impacts on
Taranaki. Temperature is expected to increase by
between 0.5°C and 1.5°C by 2040, while rainfall will
become more variable, increasing both the
Site Monitoring
Purchased YSI hand held Multi Meter & YSI Photometer
Sample monitoring bores, streams and ponds every week
Update the sampling graphs weekly
Download the rainfall data weekly
Walk the streams weekly ..,.. I'1!i'I ...-"'-
YSI 9300 and 9500 photometers... ~ USER M,\NUAI.
User Manual
Irrigation Pond ManagementIrrigation Model
Proactive management of the pond volume/level
beach, river and lake sites Dec 2007-
Dec 2008 16
Table 7 Respondents’ perception of access to rivers, lakes and the coast. 18
Table 8 Respondents’ water quality ratings. 19
Table 9 General summary for selected observation locations 23
Table 10 Average no. of participants in specific activities at specific locations 25
List of figures
Figure 1 Rainfall over 2007/2008 summer period 5
Figure 2 Proportional representation of the top ten most frequently visited
locations by District 13
excess of water may enter the
system during heavy or sustained rainfall, or if rainfall occurs when the plant is not operating. This excess is
discharged via a sand filter prior to entering the NPDC stormwater system, which discharges to the
Mangaone Stream immediately upstream of State Highway 3.
Allied Concrete holds water discharge permit 4539-2 to cover the discharge of stormwater and treated
wastewater from truck washing at a concrete batching plant into the Mangaone Stream in the
pre-treatment of industrial wastes is maintained to a
satisfactory standard at all times prior to discharge into the WWTP.
No odour was detected beyond the boundary during any of the four routine inspections.
Results of effluent monitoring
With the diversion of wastes to the Hawera WWTP in the 2010-2011 period, discharges from the Eltham
WWTP now occur only as a result of high rainfall events that exceed the storage capacity of the primary and
holding ponds, and the pumping capacity of the
survey and heavier rain later in the morning. The survey was
preceded by moderate rainfall 24 hours prior sampling (13.5 mm) at Brooklands Zoo rain gauge. There was
a light mist/intermittent drizzle during sampling. Over the last seven days prior sampling 66 mm of rain was
measured at Brooklands Zoo rain gauge. Samples collected were also assessed for odour.
Out of the 11 samples collected, one had a distinctive odour, described as earthy/woody, coming from
STW001157, which suggests the
1) For an irrigation consent, applications are required to provide a reasonable use test in relation to the
maximum daily rate of abstraction return period and the seasonal or annual volume of the proposed take.
When making decisions on the reasonableness of the rate and volume of take sought, the Council will:
a. consider land use, crop water-use requirements, on-site physical factors such as soil water-
holding capacity, and climatic factors such as rainfall variability and