Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1309 results.

Civil Quarries consent monitoring 2019-2020

taken and assess as compliant based on the results. 29 June 2020 Scheduled inspection undertaken by an investigating officer, during moderate rainfall with rainfall having occurred since the previous night. The Kurapete Stream was running discoloured (brown) due to the weather and the unnamed tributary was a slight, turbid grey due to quarry activities. The site inspection as unable to be undertaken due to earthworks and electrical works being carried out. The stream and outfall of the …

Summer 2010-2011

Figure 1 SEM beach bathing bacteriological survey sites page 9 4. Results From 9 November 2010 to 12 April 2011 a total of 13 samples were collected at each site for the purpose of state of the environment monitoring (SEM). Whenever possible, no SEM sampling was undertaken within three days following significant river freshes. However, occasionally sampling was affected by localised rainfall and elevated river flows. An additional seven samples were taken at five of

Annual report 2014-2015

NPDC NP wastewater treatment plant consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Civil Quarries consent monitoring report 2018-2019

7 2 Results 2.1 Water 2.1.1 Inspections 26 October 2018 Scheduled inspection undertaken by two investigating officers. It was noted that rainfall had occurred the night before. The wash pad was active at the time of inspection. Water discharging from the site appeared visually very slightly turbid and downstream of the discharge was clear. Scheduled samples were taken. New ponds had been installed as per proposed in the consent review application and the quarry size had

NPDC Inglewood WWTP Annual Report 2020-2021

diversion to the New Plymouth WWTP was completed prior to 2000, only intermittent discharges from the Inglewood WWTP have occurred, related to intense rainfall events and high stormwater inflows. Any periods of overflow events are monitored by NPDC (wastewater only), with samples collected and analysed by them at the time of each event. Prior to the wastes diversion, the consent holder had been required to monitor effluent quality on a two- monthly basis, as a special condition of discharge

15Furtherinformation AppendixK

........ ......... ....... .11 5.3 Monitoring Review and Actions .... .... .... .............. ......................... ..... ................... ....... ..13 6.0 ......................................................................................................................................13 7.0 Uruti Site Rainfall .................................................................................................. 13 8.0 Haehanga Stream Flow.............. ...

Annual report 2014-2015

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Officers' report to Hearing Committee - Remediation NZ Ltd

the site, therefore the concentration of contaminants will likely be higher after smaller rainfall events as a result of lower dilution. As the windrows act like sponges, slowly releasing moisture as well as absorbing it, there may also be some drainage (leachate) from the site after rainfall events have stopped. page 18 75. A washdown pad is also used to clean trucks after they have offloaded organic waste. Water used for washing is pumped from the washdown supply

Control of earthflow and slump erosion

later. However, a thick layer of mixed-up rock and soil remains beneath. Smaller slumps or earthflows may re-activate, during heavy rainfall or wet winters. Figure 2. Typical slump terrain Earthflows and slumps are widespread on fine- grained rocks that weather to clay. Examples are mudstone, argillite and schist. On coarse-grained rocks such as sandstone, greywacke or volcanics, they are restricted to localities where the rock has been excessively weathered; for instance crush zones along