Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1357 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Port Taranaki Industries Annual Report 2022-2023

survey and heavier rain later in the morning. The survey was preceded by moderate rainfall 24 hours prior sampling (13.5 mm) at Brooklands Zoo rain gauge. There was a light mist/intermittent drizzle during sampling. Over the last seven days prior sampling 66 mm of rain was measured at Brooklands Zoo rain gauge. Samples collected were also assessed for odour. Out of the 11 samples collected, one had a distinctive odour, described as earthy/woody, coming from STW001157, which suggests the

Stratford District Council Closed Landfills Annual Report 2022-2023

no evidence of damage to the cap. There were no cattle visible during the inspection. The perimeter drains contained flowing water that was clear. Some surface water was present in the drain near the flume shed, but this was not discharging towards the Pātea River. 30 March 2023 The site was inspected in fine weather conditions following a rainfall event the previous day. Generally the overall site was in good condition, however, there was ponding around a central trough and four

NPDC Inglewood WWTP Annual Report 2020-2021

diversion to the New Plymouth WWTP was completed prior to 2000, only intermittent discharges from the Inglewood WWTP have occurred, related to intense rainfall events and high stormwater inflows. Any periods of overflow events are monitored by NPDC (wastewater only), with samples collected and analysed by them at the time of each event. Prior to the wastes diversion, the consent holder had been required to monitor effluent quality on a two- monthly basis, as a special condition of discharge

Inglewood waste water plant monitoring 2019-2020

system, and to also document recovery of biological communities following the removal of the continuous discharge to the stream. page 7 2 Results 2.1 Inspections 17 July 2019 An inspection was undertaken after self-notification was received regarding a wastewater discharge occurring from the second pond into the Kurapete Stream due to high rainfall. Heavy rainfall had occurred the night before and the level of the second pond was 3.6 m. Numerous wildlife were …

Officers' report to Hearing Committee - Remediation NZ Ltd

the site, therefore the concentration of contaminants will likely be higher after smaller rainfall events as a result of lower dilution. As the windrows act like sponges, slowly releasing moisture as well as absorbing it, there may also be some drainage (leachate) from the site after rainfall events have stopped. page 18 75. A washdown pad is also used to clean trucks after they have offloaded organic waste. Water used for washing is pumped from the washdown supply