Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Recount 97 - June 2015

after intense rainfall on 19 and 20 June resulted in widespread flooding and slips and severe disruptions to roading and electricity networks throughout Taranaki. A Civil Defence State Of Emergency was declared at 9pm on Saturday 20 June, and remained in place for a week. The heaviest rain was in inland South Taranaki but throughout the region, about 60 local roads were blocked by slips and washouts and in at least one case, repairs are expected to take

Todd Generation Junction Road Power Station Annual Report 2020-2021

is 10 L/s. However as a result of stormwater inputs to the pond, the discharge rate from the pond to the Mangorei Stream will be highly variable as it is dependent on weather conditions. The size of the pond will allow storage for a 10% annual exceedance event (AEP) event. The maximum discharge rate from the pond during large rainfall events is 1,060 L/s as this is dictated by the size of the page 5 outfall pipe (750 mm). However there is also provision for the pond

Application attachment Proposed Conditions x 14 Consents Manawa Energy 14 February 2023

devices shall be telemetered and report the data electronically to the Chief Executive once per day, and shall include the rainfall data at hourly intervals from the station established at the Mangaotea Road culvert. A land use consent for the damming of the Mako Stream via an existing dam structure to form Lake Ratapiko for hydro-electric power generation purposes, including the service and auxiliary spillway structures page Trustpower – Proposed Conditions

Ample Group monitoring report 2018-2019

Abstraction rate for the 2018-2019 period, with flow rates from 1 July 2018 to 19 January 2019, from the Kahouri Stream (compliance limit red dashed line) 11 Figure 5 The irrigation areas, showing the cut and carry paddocks (green) and regular paddocks (blue) (please note that the boundary lines are indicative only and may be subject to change) 12 page iii Figure 6 The volume of wastewater irrigated to land and discharged to water, compared with the monthly rainfall totals 15

September 2016

the garden of Lynn and Robin Bublitz, 27 Durham Avenue. Bring your own food and a mug for lunch (tea and coffee will be provided) + a bottle to finish the day if you wish.(Glasses will be provided.) page page 3 R. ‘Gordon Collier’ Unnamed R. Vireya hybrid R. arboreum This was grown from seed collected by Ron Gordon. R. protistum The Weather Weather always seems to be a talking point. The high rainfall at Pukeiti, usually over 4m per annum, when relayed to