can be found in
Stark and Fowles (2006).
Figure 1 SEM beach bathing bacteriological survey sites
4. Results
From 1 November 2012 to 27 March 2013 a total of 13 samples were collected at each
site for the purpose of state of the environment monitoring (SEM). Whenever possible,
no SEM sampling was undertaken within three days following significant river
freshes. However, occasionally sampling was affected by localized rainfall and
rainfall or freshwater.
The guideline MfE ‘Action’ mode is reached when enterococci counts in two consecutive
samples exceed 280 enterococci cfu/100 ml. No site reached Action mode during the 2014-
2015 season and no individual sample exceeded 280 enterococci cfu/100 ml.
Mann-Kendall tests were performed in order to assess long term trends in microbiological
water quality. Two sites show a significant decrease in median enterococci counts over the 13-
20 years monitored (Fitzroy and
elevations 28
Figure 13 Groundwater elevations GND2691, GND2692 and 2693-located south east of the site at higher
altitudes 29
Figure 14 Groundwater elevations GND2700, GND2701 and GND2703-located centrally at the site at
moderate altitude 30
Figure 15 Groundwater elevations in the deep bore GND0599 in comparison to rainfall 31
Figure 16 Groundwater elevations in the shallow bores GND2702 and GND0600 in comparison to
rainfall 32
Figure 17 …
Civil Quarries Ltd Everett Road Quarry
leachate and contaminated stormwater from three main processing areas. These are the drilling
wastes pad (pad 3) and two composting pads (known as ‘pad 1’ and ‘pad 2’).
Drilling muds, fluids and cuttings are mixed with sawdust or other organic material and then piled up on the
drilling wastes pad. Any rainfall runoff and leachate that is generated, drains into a series of ponds for
treatment. Between each pond is a baffle that skims off any floating hydrocarbons as the leachate passes
previous two years for comparison 41
Figure 32 Estimated monthly mass of nitrogen irrigated 42
Figure 33 Monthly rainfall totals and median soil moistures 42
Figure 34 Estimated monthly mass of phosphorus irrigated 42
Figure 35 Paddock numbering, Farm 1 46
Figure 36 Paddock numbering, Farms 2 and 3 47
Figure 37 Total nitrogen concentration of soil samples taken from the Company’s irrigation areas, June
2021 49
Figure 38 Olsen phosphorus of soil
Policy and Planning Committee Agenda July 2024