Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1239 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

The Company operates Oeo landfarm, situated off South Road, Manaia, identified in Figure 1. The consented site consists of two land parcels totalling 13.8 ha of available spreading area. The site is located on privately owned marginal coastal land situated on reworked dune fields. The predominant soil type has been identified as black loamy sand, and vegetation growth is primarily a mixture of pasture and dune grasses. Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,122 mm (taken from the nearby

Annual report 2013-2014

energy brooks with silty beds, however with increased rainfall the suspended solids level can rise quite quickly as silt is stirred up from the beds and edges of the streams and is entrained in the flow. Overall the level of suspended solids indicates good water quality in the stream system. Apart from a slight comparative spike in conductivity levels in the results for June 2008 in the downstream sites, the overall levels are quite stable. All but three results are in the 18-25 mS/m range

Annual report 2012-2013

indicator of the possible presence of faecal material and pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as colony forming units per 100 millilitre sample fresh elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall g/m3 grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L). In water, this is also equivalent to parts per million (ppm), but the same does not apply to gaseous mixtures Incident an event that is alleged or is found to have occurred that may have actual

Greymouth northern sites consent monitoring 2018-2019

evident on the site and in some places within the ring drains. The majority of ring drains were vegetated with grasses that helped with controlling and treating sediment laden stormwater. Other sediment controls were in place within the ring drains such as rock weirs and silt fences. Hydrocarbon sheens were not observed within the skimmer pits or in puddles on any of the sites. The skimmer pits were all in good order with goose neck pipes functioning as required. Following heavy rainfall the

Annual report 2014-2015

Waitaha catchment consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Waikaikai Landfarm consent monitoring 2018-2019

below surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm (taken from the nearby Patea monitoring station). Origin Energy Ltd’s Kauri D wellsite is situated in the eastern corner of the site, and there is a small coastal lake inland and to the northeast (up gradient) of the storage pit area. Both of these features are presented in Figure 1. Figure 1 WRS Waikaikai Landfarm and regional insert page 6 A summary of the site data is provided below:

Waihapa PS consent monitoring 2017-2018

site is maintained by an abstraction from the Ngaere Stream. Overflow due to rainfall entering this pond is discharged to land and to the Ngaere Stream to the north of the pond. Stormwater from the process areas is directed to a large separator system to the north east of the site. The effluent from this separator is discharged to a small unnamed tributary to the east which joins the Ngaere Stream approximately 40 metres above its confluence with the Patea River. Stormwater from other areas is


animals is the predominant land use in Taranaki. Associated with that land use is the discharge of animal excreta onto land with associated faecal microorganisms, which can end up in waterways through overland flow during rainfall events. These microorganisms can affect human health and animal health if ingested and impact the instream values of waterways. In Taranaki, and in other parts of New Zealand, there has been significant investment in recent times by the farming sector in adopting a