processed, compressed and piped to end
users. The produced water is disposed of by deep well injection.
Stormwater from the production station is collected and discharged at three separate points. The water level
in the firewater pond in the north western corner of the site is maintained by an abstraction from the
Ngaere Stream. Overflow due to rainfall entering this pond is discharged to land and to the Ngaere Stream
to the north of the pond. Stormwater from the process areas is directed to a
Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 23 Part 1
identified as
black loamy sand and vegetation growth consists mostly of pasture. Test pitting and the logging of
boreholes on site indicated a relatively shallow water table. Test bores were augured to 10 m both around
the waste holding pit area and to the south-western site boundary, revealing alternating layers of sand and
clays. Bore construction also revealed localised peat layers within some augured cores (approximately 4–8 m
below surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm
compliance issues, as well as complaints from the public, the Council maintains a database
record. The record includes events where the individual/organisation concerned has itself notified the
Council. Details of any investigation and corrective action taken are recorded for non-compliant events.
2 This source only discharges under significant rainfall
Complaints may be alleged to be associated with a …
seed and for seedling
growth, as the tiny seed has few internal reserves. Plantation managers and
planting contractors note that seedlings grow faster on warm north facing
• Climate: Mean annual temperature and rainfall determine the speed of seedling
growth, but the seedlings can germinate and grow in an extremely wide range
of conditions. Both species have woody roots that make them drought tolerant.
• Frosts: Once established, both species can withstand hard frosts and snow.
identified as black loamy sand
and vegetation growth consists mostly of pasture. Test pitting and the logging of
boreholes on site indicated a relatively shallow water table. Test bores were augured to
10 m both around the wastes holding pit area and to the south-western site boundary,
revealing alternating layers of sand and clays. Bore construction also revealed localised
peat layers within some augured cores (approximately 4–8 m below surface). Average
annual rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm
allowing irrigation to occur. Irrigation was occurring on Longview Farm. At the time of the
inspection the irrigator was 2 hours into its run. There was deep ponding of effluent noted in a low point in the
paddock, and it was noted that recent rainfall may have contributed to this. The matter was raised with a Silver
Fern Farms staff member, who was also surprised to see ponding in the sandy bottomed paddock. This was
discussed and it was noted that best practice
giving a free
available chlorine of <0.01 g/m3. The weir inlet screens were cleaned during the inspection and the inlet
chamber was emptied. The screens were being cleaned frequently and this was due to increase further with
an anticipated increase in rainfall over winter and spring. A significant amount of work has been proposed
to upgrade the water pipe that carries water from the river to the plant. This work is in the planning process
and will include a more accurate flow meter at the river. …
Agenda for Regional Transport Committee June 2017.
Prior to the
Wellington property consents (7670-1, 7884-1) being exercised there were areas of
pine which have been subsequently removed and processed.
Average annual rainfall for the site is 1383mm (taken from nearby Motunui
monitoring station). There are no significant surface water bodies located in the
immediate vicinity of the areas that are landfarmed, other than small farm drains.
Previous land use at the Wellington section of the landfarm has been a mixture of
agricultural and