Concrete proof the Yarrow Stadium project is achieving its vision of creating the best regional stadium that stages major events will be on show with the hosting of the Bunnings NPC Final and the start of a new phase in the East Stand's construction. The Yarrows Taranaki Bulls’ 23 to 16 victory on Friday night over Canterbury set up a home grand final for the local side against Hawke’s Bay on Saturday. The game will be the first home final since the Bulls triumphed in 2014 and tickets are now
Concrete proof the Yarrow Stadium project is achieving its vision of creating the best regional stadium that stages major events will be on show with the hosting of the Bunnings NPC Final and the start of a new phase in the East Stand's construction. The Yarrows Taranaki Bulls’ 23 to 16 victory on Friday night over Canterbury set up a home grand final for the local side against Hawke’s Bay on Saturday. The game will be the first home final since the Bulls triumphed in 2014 and tickets are now
Waste 62
Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee - Agenda
Membership of Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee
Neil Walker Taranaki Regional Council
Alan Jamieson Stratford District Council
Brian Roach South Taranaki District Council
Richard Handley New Plymouth District Council
Health and Safety Message
Emergency Procedure
In the event of an emergency, please exit through the emergency door in the …
Efficiency and effectiveness of the
Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki
Interim review report on the
Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
November 2002
Executive summary
This report has prepared to assist the Taranaki Regional Council in its interim review
of the Regional Coastal Plan for
vehicles and foot traffic.
Surrounding land use pressures are also affecting these
areas and sand blowouts and erosion are common. Coastal
dune systems in the region are highly degraded with 66%
of those monitored between 2016 and 2020 in either ‘Fair’
or ‘Poor’ condition, 33% in ‘Good’ condition and 0% in ‘Very
Good’ or ‘Excellent Condition’.
district councils and private land is covered by conservation
covenants or QEII open space covenants. Further protection
is in
Regional Transport Committee
meeting held at 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on Wednesday 31 August 2022 at 10.30am
b) notes that the unconfirmed minutes of the Taranaki Regional Transport Committee held
at 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on Wednesday 31 August 2022 at 10.30am, have been
circulated to the New Plymouth District Council, Stratford District Council and the
South Taranaki District Council for their receipt and information.
Matters arising
Document 3097485:
respond to the questions and give us your feedback as your views are
crucial to shaping the future of active and public transport in our region. The easiest way to
have your say is online at
To increase the wellbeing and environmental
sustainability of Taranaki communities, by enabling
people to safely and conveniently travel by
public transport and active travel.
76% of responses were supportive of a
goal to reduce the number of car
journeys by
Audit and Risk Minutes – 19 February 2024
Author: M Jones, Governance Administrator
Approved by: M J Nield, Director - Corporate Services
Document: 3254754
That Taranaki Regional Council:
a. takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Executive, Audit and Risk Committee meeting of the
Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
on 19 February 2024 at 10.30am
b. notes recommendations
and Risk Minutes – 19 February 2024
Author: M Jones, Governance Administrator
Approved by: M J Nield, Director - Corporate Services
Document: 3254754
That Taranaki Regional Council:
a. takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Executive, Audit and Risk Committee meeting of the
Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
on 19 February 2024 at 10.30am
b. notes recommendations therein
Triennial Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council - Cover
Triennial Meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council
Venue: 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
26 October 2022 01:00 PM
Agenda Topic Page
1. Karakia 3
2. First meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council following the 2022 Triennial Election 4
3. Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson 33
4. General Explanation of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
and other