advocating Taranaki’s regional interests including
recreation, culture and heritage activities at the
regional level.
Figure 4 shows the way in which the Council aims to
achieve community outcomes through its mission and
the actual activities the Council carries out.
The activities shown in Figure 4 are groups of activities.
The groups of activities and the more specific individual
activities within them form the basis of reporting on the
details of the 10-year programmes
cooperatively, encouraging
community participation, and taking into account the Treaty of Waitangi.
To work for a thriving and prosperous Taranaki by:
David N MacLeod (Chairman) – PO Box 9, 404 South Road, Hawera
David L Lean (Deputy Chairman) – 257 Tukapa Street, New Plymouth
MJ (Tom) Cloke – 850 Carrington Road, New Plymouth
Michael G Davey – 56 Kelly Street, Inglewood
Peter D Horton – 83A Belt Road, New Plymouth
Moira A Irving –
Your Councillors
Your Councillors prepared this Plan with the assistance of Council staff and many others.
The Taranaki Regional Council has eleven representatives elected by the community through local body
elections every three years, elected as follows:
New Plymouth constituency Five members
North Taranaki constituency Two members
Stratford constituency One member
South Taranaki constituency Three members
Yarrow Stadium – reaffirming the vision …
Freshwater is a taonga. It’s a precious resource and we need to make sure we protect and care for it. That’s why Taranaki Regional Council is holding a kōrero with our community about it. It’s a conversation with all of you who live in our fantastic region. We want to know what’s important to you about freshwater and what your long-term vision is for how we look after it for future generations. Asking someone what values are dear to them isn’t always an easy question to answer. It’s a complex
spectators, which is achieved through superior event facilities, presentation and management and through the early adoption and smart use of technology. This vision was adopted by both the Taranaki Regional Council and New Plymouth District Council in 2015 after consultation with the regional sports sector, and was reaffirmed by the TRC in May 2019 when it approved the repair and refurbishment project. Top of page What's happening nowThe decision to proceed with the repairs and essential refurbishments
Taranaki people are being urged to have their say on the future of transport in the region including changes to speed limits on local roads and public transport improvements such as a proposed new bus to New Plymouth Airport Feedback is being sought by the four Taranaki councils as part of their ‘The Road Ahead’ community conversation running from 18 September to 29 October, with the public’s views set to shape key transport strategies. An interactive map will show all the proposed speed limit
That Taranaki Regional Council:
a. takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Ordinary meeting of the Taranaki
Regional Council held at Pukeiti, 2290 Carrington Road, New Plymouth on 12 December 2023.
Document 3234136: Ordinary Council Minutes December 2023
Ordinary Council - Confirmation of Minutes - 12 December 2023
Date: Tuesday, 12 December 2023, 10.30am
Venue: Pukeiti, 2290 Carrington
Document: 3148413
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Ordinary meeting of the
Taranaki Regional Council held at Pukeiti, 2290 Carington Road, New Plymouth on 13
December 2022.
Matters arising
Document: 3128780 Minutes Ordinary meeting 13 December 2022
Ordinary Council - Confirmation of Ordinary Minutes 13 December 2022
Date: Tuesday,
under: the Resource Management Act 1991
in the matter of: Resource consent applications by Remediation
New Zealand for resource consents to discharge
waste material, treated stormwater & leachate,
and to discharge emissions into the air from
composting operations, at State Highway 3 1460
Mokau Road, Uruti (“Applications”)
Statement of evidence of Jamie Grant Daniel Tuuta for
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti
Taranaki people are being urged to have their say on the future of transport in the region including changes to speed limits on local roads and public transport improvements such as a proposed new bus to New Plymouth Airport. Feedback is being sought by the four Taranaki councils as part of their ‘The Road Ahead’ community conversation running from 18 September to 29 October, with the public’s views set to shape key transport strategies. An interactive map will show all the proposed speed limit