Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council'' returned 4725 results.

TEMO Business continuity plan

dates to regularly practise your emergency procedures, such as fire evacuation and earthquake response. • Include updating your plan in your processes, such as when you take on a new employee or change supplier. Set a date at least once a year to practise and revise your plan. Add this information under Step 12 of your template plan. page This guide was produced by the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO), and reproduced with permission. WREMO have

Rule 55: Other discharges not covered by preceding rules

page 83 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki Discharges from any industrial or trade premises, production land, waste management process, site development, earthworks, the application of soil conditioners, horticultural or intensive farming processes not provided for in Rules 1 to 54 page 84 Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki

web MtMessengerUpdateSept2019

page Mt Messenger Bypass A better and safer road page Mt Messenger Bypass What we’re doing • Environment Court hearing • Ecology programme • Engagement with landowners, iwi, communities, councils and other key stakeholders page Environment Court • 6 appeals • Mediation • Hearing on 15 and 22 July 2019 Council hearing Aug - Oct 2018 • Consents granted / NoR Dec 2018 Lodgement, Dec 2017 • Notification period, Jan -

Information for volunteers

page Taranaki CDEM volunteer information March 2021 1 Volunteering for Taranaki CDEM Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM). We warmly welcome everyone of all ages and abilities who want to make a difference in their communities. The work that CDEM groups do before, during and after emergencies is highly varied, and therefore requires a wide variety of people with different skills and perspectives.

TRC Iwi Rohe Updated 22 August 2023

page Ngāti Tama Ngāti Mutunga Ngāti Ruanui Te Atiawa Taranaki Ngāruahine Ngāti Maru Ngaa Rauru Maniapoto 0 10 205 km Note: Iwi boundaries as shown on the map are simplified and are not intended as an accurate representation of iwi areas in Taranaki.

Resource consent applications 26 July to 1 August 2021

page Application Number Applicant Lodged Date Type of application Description Activity Type Site Location Catchment 21-02747-3.0 Othmar & Marlies Hebler (Farm) Limited 26-Jul-21 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit McKenna Road, Patea Kaikura 21-10947-1.0 South Taranaki District Council 27-Jul-21 New consent To discharge stormwater into the coastal marine area Coastal Permit 288 to 304 Tai Road, Opunake Tasman Sea

Possum control techniques

page POSSUM CONTROL TECHNIQUES USED IN THE SELF-HELP POSSUM CONTROL PROGRAMME. A range of options are commonly prescribed by pest control officers. The choice of technique depends on the individual property concerned. Council sells most pest control products (excluding cyanide paste) at the bulk cost price. Controlled substance licencControlled substance licencControlled substance licencControlled substance licenceeee ( ( ( (CSL)CSL)CSL)CSL)

Appendix I - groundwater, soil & stream monitoring plan

of clarification this condition requires four new bores to be installed for the purposes of establishing irrigation areas F & E and in accordance with the Uruti Composting Facility Management Plan 2015 supplied with application 5838-2.2. Condition 16 Any new groundwater monitoring wells required by condition 14 shall be installed to the following standards; a) Prior to installation of any new wells, confirmed NZTM GPS locations shall be provided to Council for approval. b) All new

Appendix I: Natural character policies

page Appendix I Natural character policies in The Regional Policy Statement for Taranaki POLICIES ON NATURAL CHARACTERPOLICIES ON NATURAL CHARACTER POLICIES Policy One: Preservation of natural character Recognition and provision will be made for the preservation of the natural character of the coastal environment and its protection for inappropriate subdivision, use and development. In determining the natural character of the coastal environment, matters to be considered will

Appendix 6: Good agrichemical spray management practices

spray management practices 1. Introduction This Appendix has been developed from various sources of information, including information sheets from MAF, and regional plans developed by other regional councils. The material relating to spray management is based on information contained in New Zealand Standard 8409: Agrichemical Users Code of Practice, June 1995, developed by the New Zealand Agrichemical Education Trust. This Appendix has been included in the Plan in a simple and