Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4939 results.

Extra buses to run as Christmas shopping ramps up

six Saturday services will run for those in New Plymouth, Bell Block or Waitara, plus a morning service from Opunake through to Hāwera and on to New Plymouth, returning in the afternoon. “It’s an ideal way for Christmas shoppers to avoid traffic and parking hassles,” says Chris Clarke, Transport Services Manager for the Taranaki Regional Council which provides the services through its contractors Tranzit Coachlines and Pickering Motors. “The annual gift-buying pilgrimage can be a fun family outing

The Hollard Pearl sets sail at Hollard Gardens

Imaginations will run wild at Hollard Gardens' Family Corner with the addition of The Hollard Pearl, a new pirate ship ready to take young visitors on endless adventures. Designed and constructed by local craftsman Lars Binsbergen, The Hollard Pearl promises an immersive experience for children and families, enhancing the already vibrant atmosphere of the Family Corner. To mark the occasion, a pop-up pirate party was held, with prizes awarded for the best-dressed pirates. Regional Gardens

Pest management information

Summaries and explanations of the Council's Pest Management Plan and Biosecurity Strategy. Pest Management Plan & Biosecurity Strategy factsheets These factsheets summarise and explain aspects of the Regional Pest Management Plan for Taranaki and the TRC Biosecurity Strategy. Factsheet 1: The Biosecurity Strategy & the Regional Pest Management Plan (323 KB pdf) More factsheets Factsheet 1: The Biosecurity Strategy & the Regional Pest Management Plan (323 KB pdf) Factsheet 2: The TRC Biosecurity

Pest management information

Summaries and explanations of the Council's Pest Management Plan and Biosecurity Strategy. Pest Management Plan & Biosecurity Strategy factsheets These factsheets summarise and explain aspects of the Regional Pest Management Plan for Taranaki and the TRC Biosecurity Strategy. Factsheet 1: The Biosecurity Strategy & the Regional Pest Management Plan (323 KB pdf) More factsheets Factsheet 1: The Biosecurity Strategy & the Regional Pest Management Plan (323 KB pdf) Factsheet 2: The TRC Biosecurity

Executive, Audit & Risk Committee 21 June 2021 10:00 AM

That Executive, Audit and Risk Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Executive, Audit and Risk Committee held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten road, Stratford on Monday 10 May 2021 at 9am b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday 18 May 2021. Matters arising Appendices/Attachments Document 2769971: Minutes Executive, Audit and Risk

New Plymouth’s top trapping communities – Oākura and Merrilands

Block 75 0 18 NP Central 69 0 120 Ōkato 66 0 145 Fitzroy 60 7 17 Spotswood 51 9 86 Source: Trap.NZ Removing rats is the current focus of predator control in urban New Plymouth district, but possums, stoats and hedgehogs have also been caught by some trappers, Trap.NZ records show. New Plymouth District Council also have 1319 traps in public parks and reserves, with 1552 rat catches recorded. “It’s exciting to see the commitment to protect local biodiversity by urban residents – particularly with

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure

making unicorns out of metal! Nathan’s the one with the ideas and we work well as a team. He pours out creative stuff and I play off that.” Their work carries a nostalgic significance, with recycled metal playing a key role. The couple love watching people discover objects in each piece that spark memories of the past. “People spot familiar objects, like a green-painted handle or an old-fashioned hammer, that remind them of a grandparent’s kitchen or workshop. Every piece tells a story, but it’s

Application AEE x14 Consents Manawa Energy 14 February 2023

page A PART A Resource Consent Application page Trustpower Limited – Motukawa Hydro-Electric Power Scheme 1 FORM 9 APPLICATION FOR RESOURCE CONSENT Sections 88 and 145, Resource Management Act 1991 To Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 1. Trustpower Limited apply for the following types of resource consent: All necessary resource consents to authorise the operation

Christmas shopping? It's a wrap with extra Saturday buses

at least you don’t have to face the stress of traffic and parking,” says Chris Clarke, Transport Services Manager for the Taranaki Regional Council which provides the Citylink and Connector services through its contractors Tranzit Coachlines and Pickering Motors. He says it’s an ideal option, particularly for families. “We’re pleased to be able to offer these services in the run-up to Christmas, as part of the Council’s focus on improving lifestyles in Taranaki,” says Chris. “If these services