Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4939 results.

Ngāti Maru

Maruwharanui is the eponymous tupuna of Ngāti Maru. Ngāti Maru has one active marae, Te Upoko o te Whenua, also known as Pukehou or Tarata Marae. *Wording taken from Ngāti Maru Mandate Strategy 2015. Contact Ngāti Maru Authorised voice Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru Trust Website: link) Location 62 De Havilland Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, 4312 Postal address PO Box 202, Inglewood 4347 Chairperson Sam Tamarapa email: Pou Whakahaere - CEO Anaru Marshall

Bus runs secure for new school year

School bus services will be provided for Urenui, Motonui, Tikorangi and Lepperton this year after running on a trial basis last year. They will resume on Tuesday 30 January, and are among 19 school services provided by the Taranaki Regional Council and operated by Tranzit Coachlines. The Council stepped in at short notice last year to trial these extra North Taranaki services after a private operator withdrew. “They were well used, with more than 11,700 trips recorded. We’re pleased to be able

Taranaki farmers make dent in mustelid numbers

Predator control efforts by Taranaki farmers are making a real difference to the rural landscape, with new research showing a 90% reduction in stoats and ferrets in areas targeted by trappers. Taranaki Taku Tūranga - Towards Predator-Free Taranaki is working with landowners on a 10-year plan to control introduced mustelids (stoats, ferrets and weasels) across 240,000ha of the Taranaki ring plain. It builds on the Taranaki Regional Council’s long-running self-help possum programme, which has

Item 7 - Further Submissions on the Proposed Coastal Plan

31 July 2018 Federated Farmers of New Zealand Further submission to the Taranaki Regional Council on the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki 1 page Federated Farmers’ further submission to the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki 2 To: Taranaki Regional Council Name of submitter: Federated Farmers of New Zealand Contact person: Lisa Harper Regional Policy

Further submissions on the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki

page Taranaki Regional Council Resource Management Act 1991 Further Submissions for the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki Further submissions on the Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki was publicly notified for submissions on 21 July 2018 with a deadline for further submissions on 8 August 2018. A total of 25 further submissions were received by the

Have your say

Have your say and help shape Taranaki. Your views play an important part in helping the Council shape our plans, policies and programmes. Here are some of the things you can currently share feedback on.

Report 2010-2014

discharge of sand and silt deposits and coastal permits for the discharge of water and the associated discharge structure. One of the intents of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) is that environmental management should be integrated across all media, so that a consent holder’s use of water, air, and land should be considered from a single comprehensive environmental perspective. Accordingly, the Taranaki Regional Council generally implements integrated environmental monitoring programmes

Current consultations

Have your say and help shape Taranaki. Your views play an important part in helping the Council shape our plans, policies and programmes. Here are some of the things you can currently share feedback on. Dangerous Dams We’re putting together a new policy on dangerous dams, earthquake-prone dams and flood-prone dams. This policy is required under the Building Act 2004 and aims to ensure dams in Taranaki are safe. Regulations in the Act require dam owners to know whether the infrastructure is

Towards Predator-Free Taranaki - rural

Taranaki, protecting our native wildlife and bush. We’re utilising new IOT (Internet Of Things) technology, along with traditional, proven trapping techniques, to scale up existing trapping work. Farmers and occupiers around the ring plan will be contacted individually about this. Traps will be subsidised, with the wireless infrastructure fully funded. The new wireless trapping network will notify trappers and the Council of real-time captures and when traps need servicing, allowing more efficient

Appendix Y - assessment of odour effect

Revital Group would like to continue its current operations, and also have the ability to compost food waste at its Uruti site, therefore they have applied for a new air discharge consent. Following submission of the Application, the Taranaki Regional Council requested under Section 92 of the Resource Management Act, that an odour assessment be prepared to support the application. AECOM New Zealand Limited (AECOM) has been engaged to assess the odour discharges from the existing operations