Freshwater habitats are abundant in Taranaki, with more than 530 named awa/rivers and streams. We can help your ākonga/students learn how to monitor freshwater environments, including rivers, streams and wetlands. Streams and rivers
How healthy is your local stream? Assessing stream health involves investigating the water quality, the physical features of the stream and the plants and animals living in and alongside the stream. We can get your ākonga/students actively involved with monitoring
sites in the Mangaone Stream in relation to the MASL stormwater discharge 13
Figure 6 Locations of dust deposition monitoring sites in relation to the MASL site 15
List of photos
Photo 1 MASL baghouse 5
Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is for the period July 2023 to June 2024 by Taranaki Regional Council on the monitoring
programme associated with resource
Future directions for the management
of river and stream bed modification
Review of the Regional Fresh Water Plan for Taranaki
Taranaki Regional Council
Private Bag 713
Stratford 4352
August 2012
Document: 1000228
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Here's where you can find out about managing the safety of dams in Taranaki.
already received 17.6% of a typical year’s rainfall. Mean river flows for February were 138.8% of typical values, low flows were 332.5%, and high flows 137.3%, of typical values while mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 17.4ºC, an average of -0.9ºC different to long-term February values. The average air temperature for the region (excluding Te Maunga sites) was 18ºC, which is - 0.3ºC relative to long-term February averages. February 2023 hydrology report February 2023 rainfall maps What
The site is in the Te Atiawa rohe. The consent includes 11 conditions setting out minimum requirements that
the Company must comply with.
This report discusses the 2023/24 compliance monitoring programme implemented by Taranaki Regional
Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and administrative performance during this
period. In addition, it details the results of the site inspections and water quality sampling undertaken to
assesses the environmental effects of
Timms traps are available from the Northland
Regional Council or
Sentinel possum traps
These have been proven in scientific trials to be
one of the most efficient and effective possum kill
trap in New Zealand. It is also considered to be
one of the most humane possum kill traps. While
slightly more difficult to set than the Timms trap,
it is far cheaper. Sentinel traps are available from
the Northland Regional Council or
Education category winners in the 2020 Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Awards.
Hearing before a Hearing Panel appointed by the Taranaki Regional Council
Resource consent application
Being in relation to an Application of Remediation (NZ) Limited to;
a) Discharge contaminants to land, including in circumstances which may result in those
contaminants (or other contaminants emanating from those contaminants) entering water
in the Haehanga Stream catchment;
b) Discharge contaminants directly to an unnamed tributary of the
Ponds 0.4
Wetlands 1.6
Bush 431.5
Riparian Planting - Lower Irrigation 0.5
Site Offices/Structures 0.6
Refer to Appendix A for a flow diagram identifying site processes, inputs and outputs.
AECOM NZ have been engaged to undertake an investigation into the nitrogen loading and losses
across the site. The goal of this investigation is to provide information to enable Remediation New
Zealand Ltd. to predict the effects of current and future site management practices on