and iwi to see
how council considers these applications.
2.5 Councillor M J Cloke declared a conflict of interest in relation to Cygnet Land
Development Limited.
2.6 Councillors D N MacLeod and C L Littlewood declared a conflict of interest in relation to
Port Taranaki Limited.
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) receives the report, the schedule of resource consents granted and other consent
processing actions, made under delegated authority.
Regional Council, 47 Cloten
Road, Stratford on 12 August 2022 at 10.30am, have been circulated to the New
Plymouth District Council, Stratford District Council and the South Taranaki
District Council for their receipt and information.
3. Confirmation of CDEM CEG Minutes 9 February 2023
That the Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management Joint Committee:
a) takes as read and received the minutes and resolutions of the Taranaki Civil
Defence Emergency
of the Taranaki
Regional Council held at 10.30 on 19 March 2024 at Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road
b) noted the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday
2 April 2024.
Opportunities for Freshwater Reform
F Kiddle gave an update on the initial analysis on opportunities to improve the freshwater
management regime.
L Hawkins provided clarification on the values that define an
disclosed his position as Chair of the Pukerangiora Hapū
1. Confirmation of Minutes Operations and Regulatory Committee 22 November 2022
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes of the Operations and Regulatory
Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council held at 1pm on 22 November 2022 at
Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford
b) notes the recommendations therein.
Summer is a great time to head out to fish for kai or just enjoy the fantastic Taranaki coastline but boaties and kayakers need to remember some simple rules to keep them and their whānau safe, says Harbour Master Tony Parr. Mr Parr has highlighted a number of ‘must dos’ for those taking to the water including keeping speed down, having lifejackets for everyone on board, being able to communicate with the shore and following some simple rules about speed around divers and swimmers. “Taranaki is
Chadwick Executive Assistant
Miss R S Sweeney Governance Administrator
Apologies There were no apologies.
Notification of Pukeiti Fund – Councillor C L Littlewood.
Late items
Confirmation of Minutes – 1 August 2022
That the Executive, Audit and Risk Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Executive, Audit
and Risk Committee held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47
Cloten Road,
of the Policy and Planning Committee of
the Taranaki Regional Council held 1pm on 22 November 2022 at Taranaki
Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford
b) notes the recommendations therein..
2. Inhalable Particulate (PM2.5) State of the Environment Monitoring Report
2.1 Mr R Phipps, Manager – Science and Technology Spoke to the memorandum to
provide the Committee with an update of the continuous monitoring of airborne
particulate matter in urban New
of the applications, and the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) required by
Section 88(2) of the RMA.
Please complete all questions on the form. Do not refer to attached documentation unless the form
specifically requests it.
If you have any questions relating to completion of this application form, please contact the Consents
Department, Taranaki Regional Council on telephone (06)765-7127 or email
Lodge the application by signing below and
Communications Advisor
Apologies: Mr Bruce Robertson – Yarrow Stadium
Confirmation of Minutes Executive Audit and Risk – 13 February 2023
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) took as read and confirmed the minutes of the Executive, Audit and Risk
Committee meeting of the Taranaki Regional Council held in the Taranaki
Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on Monday 13 February
2023 at 10am
b) noted the recommendations therein were adopted by the
Velvin CDEM (Regional Manager) and K Lawson CDEM as late
1. Confirmation of Minutes – CDEM Joint Committee 8 March 2023
That the Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency Management Co-ordinating Executive
a) took as read and confirmed the minutes of the Taranaki Civil Defence Emergency
Management Joint Committee meeting held in the Taranaki Regional Council
chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford on 8 March 2023 at 10.30am.