Executive summary
WestSide New Zealand Ltd (the Company) operates a hydrocarbon production station located on Mokoia
Road at Mokoia, in the Manawapou catchment.
This report for the period July 2022 to June 2023 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the
Includes link to a page of information sheets on some of the special species found in Taranaki. Restoration planting guides These guides, published by Wild for Taranaki, provide information on restoring and enhancing the indigenous vegetation cover which has been lost from Taranaki. They help to enable landowners, community groups and practitioners to restore ecosystems by planting native species. See map showing areas covered in each guide [JPG, 188 KB] Choose and download the guide/s you
Stay the night at Pukeiti in one of our accommodation options.
Our Reference : 190511
To: New Plymouth District Council
Address: Private Bag 2025, New Plymouth 4342
Email: districtplan@npdc.govt.nz
Submitter Details
Please note that all information provided in your submission, including your personal information, will
be made publicly available.
Name of submitter: Darren Erb and Tracey
Many of these reports relate to one-off operations of an exploratory nature. Cheal Petroleum Ltd Cheal-B wellsite This report covers exploration drilling at Cheal’s site at Taylor Rd, Stratford, from February 2011 to October 2013. See also TAG Oil (NZ) Ltd. Report 2011-2013 (2.7 MB pdf) (single document only) Report 2011-2013 (2.7 MB pdf) Greymouth Petroleum Ltd northern sites These reports include drilling sites and production sites that were reported on separately before 2017-2018. Greymouth
Application No. Consent No. Applicant Lodged Date Application type Description Activity type Location Catchment
24-11312-1.0 11312-1.0 New Plymouth District Council 23-Sep-24 New consent To install, use and remove temporary dams in the Mangaotuku Stream, to enable the
replacement of an existing wastewater pipe
Land Use Consent Devon Intermediate, St Aubyn Street,
New Plymouth
24-11312-1.0 11313-1.0 New Plymouth District Council 23-Sep-24 New consent To temporarily
soiling completed, awaiting sowing (1/11/22) Area M2110 Stage II 27
Photo 5 Formation of bunds around the spread area, Stage II/Phase 3 2/8/22 32
1 Introduction
1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
This report is for the period July 2022 to June 2023 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the
monitoring programme associated with a resource consent held by Waste Remediation Services Ltd
describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess STDC’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of STDC’s activities.
During the monitoring period, STDC demonstrated a high level of environmental performance and high
level of administrative performance.
STDC holds one resource consent to
Tūpare is revealed through the eyes of a gardener during this private one-hour walking tour (up to 30 people).
in yellow 3
Figure 3 Annual number of cremations at Taranaki Crematorium July 2012 to June 2023 4
1 Introduction
1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report for the 2022-2023 monitoring period details the results of compliance monitoring of the
Taranaki Crematorium by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council). It discusses the findings of the overall
monitoring programme